09- Let there be carnage.

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Are you guys ready?

Pov Author.

Fourth threw his phone to the wall and stormed off to his car. He wasn't sure where they were, but he knew that his mom didn't have a lot of places to hide in Thailand. She lived in California for so long and her business was working only there.

Fourth checked the first place he thought his mom could be. Abandoned house. The mansion was so far away, so he knew his mom was there. He stepped on the gas and after 2 longest hours he was in mansion. He saw that the gate of the mansion was opened, so he was hoping they were there. Fourth ran to the mansion and broke the door to go inside. The moment he broke the door, he saw that there was a big paper swinging from the chandelier.

"Nice try son. But i'm not that stupid."

Fourth screamed and kicked the wall hard. His hand started to bleed, but he didn't care. All he could think was Gemini and their baby.


Fourth's mom was so smart actually. She did it, because she wanted Fourth to run out of time. She is a woman, so she knew that Gemini and his baby wouldn't last long with this bleeding and weakness. She was sitting beside Gemini who was crawling with pain.

"Only if you knew Gemini.. i was in the same situation as you when i was pregnant with Fourth.. I don't want my son to get hurt.. But it looks like, if you'll get a few punches you are going to lose your baby. How pathetic. Maybe then Fourth will lose his interest in you. He deserves a better girl, not a girly boy. I thought you were manly."

Gemini was holding his belly in fear and horror. His tears didn't stop, not even for a second. He was so scared. What if.. Fourth leave him because of it?

Fourth's mom finally left the room and locked it to death. Gemini tried to held his sobs, but he just couldn't.

"Please baby, stay with me.. Daddy is coming to get us out of here.. Please don't give up on me.."

Gemini's bellyache was so strong that he started screaming in pain. He missed Fourth. He needed Fourth. Only Fourth made him feel safe and happy. Only Fourth helped him to forget his pain.


Gemini heard his name echoing around the walls. He stood up and smiled, realizing Fourth was here, after him.


Gemini's words were cut off as someone quickly covered his mouth with tissue. There must be cologne or alcohol in tissue that made Gemini fell asleep.

Fourth entered this place, which is looked like a abandoned warehouse. He was holding a gun. There were 3 bodyguards inside, Fourth didn't wanted to hide so just shoot them to death and started to run. He saw that there was a big door, locked to death. The minute he tried to open the gate, his mom and bodyguards appeared from nowhere. All this sounds woke Gemini up.

"Here you are, son. I was waiting for you."

Fourth looked at his mom with dissapointment and rage.

"What the fuck do you want? Why are you always ending up hurting me huh? What do you want from me and my family?"

Fourth's words gave shock to her. Even though she was hurt, she still tried to act reckless.

"We are not in a rush, son. Let's talk about this."

"I'm not talking anything with you. Let go of my husband."

"Aww you love birds. Sorry son, i'm lovesick.  And i hate see you two together. You know what? I can give the order to kill him immediately."

"No, you can't. You know, if you order that, i will become blind for your pathetic tears."

"Ah my stupid lover son.."

Fourth kicked the door of the room where Gemini was siting. 2 bodyguards were holding his hands and covering his mouth to shut him up. Gemini couldn't resist it after all, so he threw a punch to the bodyguard who was holding his hands, and bite the other ones hand.

"Fourth! Fourth!"

"Baby.. Thank God you're okay.."

"Fourth.. please go, they are going to hurt you! Please go.. Let me go you jacka- ah!"

"Gem? Gem answer me!"

"That's enough. Get him boys."

In order of Fourth's mom, her bodyguards blocked Fourth to the wall and dragged him to her room.

"Fourth, you just need to sign this and come to California with me. I promise, i'll give you the best life."

"You'll give me the best life with leaving me."

"You are forcing me to use violence."

"I don't give a fuck."

His mom smirked and caressed his hair.

"Aw, son. I wasn't gonna use violence to you. I was going to use violence with your dear husband."

"If you touch him, i swea-"



"Do you want him to die? If you don't then sign it."

Fourth gave up and and fell down on his knees.

"I'll do it.. please let him go.."

Fourth took the pen to sign the paper but just then the scene was literally flying!

There were bullet sounds, and even bomb sounds outside.

"I think you should stop, Mrs. Natalie."

It was his parents. There were you say 10, i say 20 bodyguards behind them. They killed her bodyguards and Apo came to their side.

"You go to Gemini, we will deal with her."

"No! No! You two again! You ruined everything!"

"It's not them, it's us."

Everyone looked at the gate. Fourth smiled when he saw Dunk and Joong standing there, smiling.

"You guys go ahead. We will deal with her."

They shooked their heads and Fourth ran to the room where Gemini was staying. Fourth broke the door with some random iron stick and killed both bodyguards who were struggling on the floor.


"My love.."

Fourth held Gemini in his arms and hugged him tight.

"Are you okay? Let's go to the hospital."

"Fourth.. thank you.. for not leaving us.."

"No, never think that again. I won't leave you two."

Gemini hid his face on Fourth's chest as Fourth carried him to his car.

"Dad, we are going to the hospital, i'm afraid if there is something serious."

After 3 hours.

"You don't need to worry Khun Nattawat. Your husband is a warrior, looks like he survived finely."

"Our baby? What about them?"

"He or she is okay. Don't worry, everything's gonna be alright."

"Thank you so much."

Fourth opened the door where Gemini was sleeping. Fourth caressed his hair and kissed all of his scars. He didn't wanted to wake him up, so he left the room to talk with his friends and parents.

"Guys, what really happened? Tell me everything, point by point."



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