08- Little lies.

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Gemini and Fourth were discharged from the hospital. Fourth still was confused about his mom, but he tried his best to avoid her. Fourth wanted to give all his attention to Gemini right now. Gemini needed attention more than his problem now.

"Why looking so confused?"

With quick question of Gemini, Fourth shook his head and looked at him. He looked really pale. Gemini was worried, because he listened to their conversation and he knew why it was bothering Fourth so much.

"Nothing.. Do you need anything else baby?"

"I'm really craving seafood."

"Anything you want love."

Fourth called his manager and told him to order seafood for them. Gemini looked very, veryyy impressed by Fourth's actions.

"I love you."

Gemini sat on Fourth's lap and kissed his lips.

Otherwise, they were having good time. They had lunch and now they were cuddling because Fourth needed to go to work and Gemini didn't let him go.

"Stay with me naa. Pleasee~"

"Baby, i need to go. I promise i'll be back soon."

"But it's boring without you.."

Fourth smiled to his husband's clingy moments. But it was dangerous for Gemini, Fourth had no idea about his mom's plan. So he couldn't just let Gemini go somewhere alone.

Time fast.

"Come on baby, i'll be back soon."

It was time to go and Gemini was acting like it was their last meeting. He almost cried while holding into Fourth's arm.

"What if someone comes to kill me? What if your mom's guards did this plan to kidnap me?? Please don't go.."

Fourth hugged him tight and kissed his forehead. He was thinking, what can make Gemini chill. Then he got some idea.

He took his tie from their closet and gave it to Gemini.

"Can you do it for me?"

Gemini smiled with pleasure and wrapped the tie around Fourth's neck. They were looking at each other's eyes deeply. Finally Gemini wrapped the tie and kissed his cheek.

"I need to go baby."

"Okay.. goodbye husband! Come back to us soon ok?"

Fourth kissed Gemini's forehead and left the house. Gemini felt so alone when Fourth's wasn't at his side. So he just thought that he can sleep or go to bath.

Gemini was too lazy to shower so he just headed to sleep.


On the other hand, Fourth was busy with his new investigations while driking his beloved coffee. He was so concentrated that he didn't even check the time. He left at 13:00 and now it was 18:00! When he saw the time he almost choked on his coffee.

"Gemini's gonna kill me!"

He organized his table and started walk to his car. He was thinking of buying a bouquet of flowers to win over Gemini's heart.

He stopped by to get his flowers. There were so many options, so he just bought all of them?

Just kidding, bro is rich but not spoiled. He bought a big bouquet of roses, and Gemini's favorite snacks.

He was smiling all way home, thinking of Gemini. But, his phone rang when he was almost there. He stopped his car across the road and accepted the call. It was one of his close friends. He was asking if they can meet and hang out. Fourth spent 10-15 minutes talking to him and totally forgetting about his husband that was waiting for him.

When he realized what he have done, he punched himself hard and stepped on the gas.

"Dumb Fourth! He's worried sick now."

When he arrived to their house, he was thinking what he was gonna tell Gemini. He pressed the signal because, basically his guards needed to open the gate. He pressed the signal multiple times but no one opened the gate. He left his car to see his horror.

His guards, housekeepers and maids were laying on the floor with litres of blood. He started panicking and ran to the house.

"Gem! Baby! Where are you oh my god?"

Fourth checked all the rooms in first floor and he headed straight to their room. But to his horror, all stairs were full of blood like someone just dragged someone from second floor. He shooked his head and ran to the room.

Gemini wasn't there. There was only something left from Gemini..

Their engagement ring.

It was laying on the floor, it was shining but ring had blood on his diamond too. Fourth took the ring and looked at it.

"Fuck it! Where is he? I'm gonna lost my mind!"

When he took the phone to call someone for help, his mom called him. With facetime?

And there the shock comes.

He accepted the call to see Gemini laying on some bed, with blood all over him. And then, he heard some laughing voices.

"Don't worry son.. Your husband is safe with me now.. But i don't think it's going to last long.. He is so weak. He doesn't deserve someone strong and smart like you. Look, he is almost dying. Do you want to save your family?"

"What the fuck! Stop this fucking games already! Tell me what the fuck you want!"

His mom continued laughing as someone, who looked like his mom's guard, punched Gemini.

"No! Stop it!"

"If you want them to live.. you must come here. We will have a little chat. Don't you dare to call your gay parents."

"I swear to God, if something happens to them, i will break your guards fucking spine. And you know what will happen to you after that."


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