07- Dangerous Woman?

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Gemini was sitting right beside Fourth, waiting for him to wake up. It was 05:34 and today they both were discharging from the hospital. Gemini couldn't sleep all night, because he felt some weird pain in his stomach. Nurses said that it was nothing to worry about, because it was something common in pregnancy. So Gemini just took some pills and tried to rest.

After 2 hours, Fourth woke up to see his husband sleeping next to him. He kissed his head and tried to stand up, to get some water.

"It's already morning?"

Gemini woke up right after Fourth. He was feeling good now.

"Get some rest my babies, i know you couldn't sleep all night."

"Are you leaving us for another woman?"

Fourth's eyes wide-opened. He looked at Gemini's fake sad face.

"Baby what made you think that?"

"Then where are you going?"

"I wanted to drink someth-"


"Okay baby.. pregnancy hormones i guess.."

They both laughed out loud, but their smiles fade as Fourth's dad entered the room.

"Fourth.. it may sound tough, i know. And, i'm sure that you'll be mad at me but.."

"What happened dad?"

"Your mom is here.. She wants to see you.."


"Son.. please listen to me.. I know.. it's tough for you but.."

"What do you need?"

"Gemini, can you give us a private minute?"

"I don't have a secret with Gemini. You can say what do you need infront of him."

"Fourth na, i will be back."

"No Gem, you're staying here."

Fourth held his hand and shook his head while looking at his 'biologycal' mom.


"Son.. i'm sorry for not visiting you. But you know, i have been bus-"

"Yes, you were busy as always. That's why you gave me to my dads."

"Son, listen to me. I need you for my business. Please come and live with me. You are the only heir of my company. I need your help son. Please."


Gemini was shocked but he didn't say anything. He didn't know that Fourth has a mother. He thought his dad was a bearer just like him.

"Are you kidding me? You never came to see me in 5 years. Now you are here, wanting me to leave my family behind and come to work for your stupid company? No thanks."

"What family son? I'm your only family.."

"Ahh, i forgot about that. You don't know that i'm married, don't you? Meet Gemini, my husband and mother of my children."

"Oh my god i knew that you will be gay just like your parents!"

"What the hell? Stop this. And leave this room as soon as possible. You can say anything to me, but not to my husband and my child."

Fourth finally snapped. He felt like he was drowning. Gemini looked at him, and saw his pale face.

"Please leave!"

Gemini couldn't help but to told her leave. He held Fourth's hands tightly and brushed his hair.

"Fourth, baby, why do you care? It was just an offer, and you said no."

"Baby.. you don't know her. She is so decisive woman, she always gets what she wants. I know she is willing to do anything, even if it's dangerous for her wishes. I don't want to leave you. I wouldn't leave you, never, and now you're pregnant, it's not for my wish. I can't leave you when you're pregnant. You are going to be sensitive, our baby will need me when you feel sick or painful."

Gemini smiled and layed on Fourth's chest. Fourth smiled too, and kissed Gemini's head. They were having good time, and now there was only one thing to worry about. When are they going to dicharge?

But, what if there's 2 things to worry about?

Fourth needed to be careful in every step of his mom and Gemini. Because his mom.. was the real deal.


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