11- Love Tomorrow.

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Pov Author.

Today Gemini was going to discharge from hospital. He called Fourth to come to pick him up. Fourth said he should a little bit longer for their baby, but Gemini hated this hospital enviorement.

Now here we are, Fourth bought a bouquet of flowers and a ring AGAIN for Gemini. He knew Gemini loves rings. So why not?

I mean, he has the money... then what's stopping him....???

Fourth arrived to the hospital. He got out of his car and entered the hospital quickly. He haven't seen Gemini in 2 days because he was so busy with work.

Fourth entered Gemini's room to see him looking furious.

"Baby i miss-"

"Where were you?"

"Baby, i told you i was busy."


Fourth looked confused. He placed the flowers to the table right next to him. Then he sat next to Gemini who looked pale and tired.

And.. mad.

"Is everything alright my love?"

"We have missed you so much. Our baby couldn't feel you because you weren't here. It was so hard for me."

"I'm so sorry baby, i told you hundred times that i was busy. But i have something for you."

Fourth took of the little box from his pocket and smiled.

"I got you this."

He held Gemini's hand and opened the box.

"Oh my god Fourth."

"We never had an proposal."

Fourth kissed Gemini's hand and he put the ring on his finger.

"It looks so good in your finger. Actually, there is nothing that doesn't suit my husband."

"Fourth, i love you."

Gemini and Fourth hugged each other. Gemini rested his head on Fourth shoulder and kissed his neck. Fourth loved Gemini's clingyness. Usually he wasn't clingy to Fourth, he was shy. But his pregnancy hormones made him clingy, and made him miss Fourth much more.

"If you are okay, let's go and have dinner with our parents tonight. It's been a while."

Gemini nodded and they kissed again. God damn knows how much they loved each other. Their life sometimes had pressures, but there was nothing stronger than their love.

After a few hours, finally Gemini was discharged and they were going back to their home. On the way home, Fourth was talking to his dad who was right next to his father-in-law.

"It's been a while since we didn't have dinner together. And, it's for your grandchildren's sake though. Gemini was in hospital since day 1. Please don't reject na."

"Fine son, i will tell your mom and Mrs. Thiticharoenrak."

"Thank you Po, see you later."

Fourth ended the call and looked at Gemini who was holding his belly and smiling like an idiot.

"Looks like someone is adoring his baby."

Gemini smiled and placed his head to the window. Just seconds after, he felt his husband's hand on top of his. Gemini's smile widened and he looked at Fourth

"They are gonna be just like you. I can feel it."

"Let them be. So you can fall in love with me all over again."

Gemini punched his hand and laughed.

"So you mean, if they will look like me, you will fall in love with me again?"

"You know, i can't love you more than i do now. Yet still i know i will tomorrow."

Gemini was looking at him. And that was the moment he knew, he fell in love with Fourth again. He fell in love with his husband, father of his babies, his love all over again.


"You look so beautiful my love."

Fourth back hugged Gemini and kissed his neck. They were both dresses in suit, except that Gemini wasn't so comfortable with blazer. So he just thought he can place his blazer to his shoulder for formal look.

"You look so handsome.. uhm.."

Gemini smirked at Fourth and Fourth looked pleased by his attitude.

"What happened baby?"

"I wish.. i had given birth long time ago.. We could've have pervert minutes now.."


Gemini turned his body to Fourth and kissed his lips.

"Sorry husband, you have 2 babies now. So stop dreaming hehe!"

He smiled and ran out of the room. I laughed and left the room after him. After 20 minutes we have arrived to the restaurant. We have arrived a little bit late, so Gemini was shy.

"We are late to our first family dinner! That is so embarrassing."

"I know they won't mind."

Gemini awkwardly smiled as he sat down next to his mom. They greeted the couple happily.

"My beautiful son, pregnancy suits you so good."

Gemini's mom was adoring him and her grandchild. Fourth was side eyeing his mother in law. Their food was served just in time before Fourth was ready to go sit next to his husband.

Rest of the dinner was perfect. They all laughed, sometimes got a little bit dramatic.

This was the moment Fourth realized what was the real family.

He was so thankful to God for Gemini, and everything he gave to him.

Sawasdee kha girls, guys and gays!
Sorry for late update, i'm busy with finals.
I promise to update soon na!
Thanks for waiting, rak na jub jub ⭐


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