15- Family is all we've got.

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Sadness and pain are quite different states of the same feeling.

Sadness is an emotional state of unhappiness, ranging in intensity from mild to extreme and usually aroused by the loss of something that is highly valued.

Pain is a signal in your nervous system that something may be wrong. It is an unpleasant feeling, such as a prick, tingle, sting, burn, or ache. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant.

Now, Fourth was feeling something else between them. He didn't knew what was this feeling, but he just wished everything to be good.

Their baby was back from the laboratory now. Gemini's doctor gave him the good news about how strong their baby boy was.

Actually, they have thought of the name too. Fourth thought Demian will sound more girly. So they kept Demian name for their daughter. 🤭

Nani and Gemini were sleeping peacefully. Unfortunately for Fourth, Gemini was sleeping so often. After a few hours, they needed to go back to the Thailand. Fourth was bored from sitting so he started to pack their things back. Just then, the nurse who came for a check up, told Fourth that their doctor was waiting for him. Fourth thanked her and left with an awkward feeling on his stomach. He entered the room to see doctor and his parents smiling.

"Son, sit down, we have good news for you!"

"Dad.. please.. you know i feel bad right now. I want to be next to my baby.."

Doctor apologized and cut off his words.

"Listen to us, Khun. I know how you feel, i had a lot patients like you and your husband. I know loosing a baby is not easy. But as your father said, there is no bad things."

Then he continued with a pleasured smiley face.

"When we did last examines on your baby, everything was fine. It may sounds so jokey for you, but if everything was not fine i would never let you go back. As we examined, baby's placenta in Gemini's belly moved. So he had a bleeding, that our nurses saw when taking the baby out. I have not told you anything, because i wasn't sure if it was real. But after last examines, now i am sure. I am so sorry. I wish i was a lot prepared for your husband's birth day. Your father gave me your doctor's number. We have talked, and the things he said made me suspicious. That's why i have waited to be sure. Now, everything is over. Don't worry anymore, your baby is okay."

Fourth just listened to him in shock. His dad, Mile raised his eyebrows and made a look 'i told you'. Fourth thanked them, and left to see Gemini.


Gemini, hearing all these good things, hugged Fourth. He kissed Fourth, as if he was taking the revenge of everything that happened to them. Fourth, pulled out, breathless.

"Baby, we need to go back to our home. We will continue later, okay?"

Gemini nodded. He missed Fourth so much. He needed their 'love' life back as soon as possible. Sometimes, he just felt guilty because he was shy towards Fourth. Even sometimes he thought Fourth was losing his love towards him. But no, he knew he was wrong. Fourth didn't marry him for sex. Fourth married him because he wanted that, and he loved Gemini.

It was almost tine for their flight. Gemini felt much good than yesterday. He stood up to wore his baby's clothes, and take care of him. It was his first time doing something like that, so he was so excited. Nurses showed him how to wear baby's clothes to a newborn. Gemini tried that himself and he was happy it went successful.

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