10- For Friends' Sake.

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"Guys, what really happened? Tell me everything, point by point."



"Actually, we were coming to surprise you. I was so sad because i missed the wedding, so i thought i can fly back to Thailand and congratulate you. Then 2 days ago Joong and I bought the tickets and flew back here. Yesterday, i was looking for a present for both of you. I didn't wanted to meet your husband without presents or anything you know? So, after i chose your presents, it was already so late."

Fourth was so weak to hear all this but he just listened. As everyone knew he had strong panic attacks and now they were triggering. But he couldn't care less. He didn't wanted to skip a step. His hands were covering his mouth. What was his mom's plan? Why would she do this?

"So Joong offered to come tomorrow to not bother you at night. I was actually ready to go but nevermind. So, today i was ready to come. I called your parents if you guys are free but they said you're not home. Your dad, Mile, said you'll be back late. Joong wanted to wait for a day again, but i didn't. So I was waiting for you to come and visit. When it was 8 pm i told Joong to go and now we were here. I was so scared when i saw dead bodies. I barged into the house to find you, maybe Gemini. But all i found was your phone and ring. The continuation is so basic, i checked your calls, saw that your mom called you. I understood everything that second, so thankfully i informed your parents early. They just sent us the location and the rest you know.."

"Do you know you just saved my husband's life?"

"I know, i'm a hero."

Dunk and Fourth hugged and Joong joined them.

"Thank you guys. I can't thank you enough.. You saved my baby and his dad.. Thank you. I love you guys."

"We love you too dude!"

Fourth smiled and his eyes filled with tears again. Joong thought of something that can cheer him up.

"Let's go to see our brother-in-law and niece!"

"Joong! Our niece is still on their way!"

All of them laughed, and then Phuwin and Pond showed off.

"Bro! What happened?!"

Phuwin was talking so fast and he was sweating.

"Hey guys, why are you here?"

"We're here to see our niece obviously! Now tell us what happened."

Pond said it with panicked voice.

"That's a long story, i will tell you later."

5 boys entered the room to see Gemini sleeping with his hands on his tummy. But his sleep didn't last long because all of them were making voices.

Fourth looked at Gemini and his guilt came back again. He thought everything happened because of him. So he sat down to his bed and kissed Gemini's hands.

"Are you okay baby?"

"I'm... okay? I guess."

Gemini looked at Fourth's friends and smiled. He smiled because all they looked so scared as if Fourth was going to kill them if they say something.

"Welcome guys."

Gemini welcomed them warmly, and his friends were satisfied. Now, they were talking about what was going to be their baby's name.

"If they're a girl, we can name her Lynn!"

"Lynn sounds perfect, but what if they're a boy?"

"Ren? Rey?"

"It's gonna be Phuwin!"

"No! It's gonna be Joong!"

"Cut it out guys!"

Fourth just knew this was going to happen. He told them to shut up and stop arguing about it.

"You, all, we still have so many time left. Like 5-6 months. We can decide after, ok?"

"You are right dude. We even forgot about ask how's your beloved Gemini."

Fourth smiled and Gemini tried to hide his blush. He freaking loved Fourth's friends and the nicknames they give him.

"Why don't we just wish for her or him to be healthy?"

"I can't wait for the gender reveal!"

Everyone laughed as Dunk's excitement. Dunk was excited than others so much. He wasn't a bearer, but he knew that he was going to love his best friend's baby like his own.

"Gemini, if you need anything else, you can call or text us! We're happy to be here!"

"My husband doesn't need y'all. Go cry and get married by yourself."

"Shut the fuck up, we are trying to help our brother-in-law!"

"Thanks guys, i really appreciate it."

"Baby, don't get closer to them or they are gonna-"

"Why don't you just shut up my beloved friend?"

Joong shut Fourth's mouth with his hand. Right then Pond came running to the room and he entered the room panicked.

"Guys! Winny got mad at the Chemistry Teacher and drew a dick on his forehead! Hurry up he's getting expelled!"


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