18- Jerk.

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"Do you guys know each other?"

When Fourth was going to answer, Kay interrupts him and speaks.

"Yeah we were childhood best friends. But when i moved to California, we lost connection."

Fourth was shocked by his answer. Yes, they were childhood best friends, but they had something secret. So basically, Kay's dad also runned a business and he was a cheater too, like Gemini's family.

"Oh, i see cousin. So i should leave you two alone to talk. Excuse me then, i'll feed my baby."

It's still wasn't clear for Fourth. How things turned out to be like this?

Did Gemini's parents were working with Kay's parents? Was this planned long time ago?

Fourth smiled and blinked at him and Gemini left. Kay and Fourth were left alone.

"Why didn't you tell him honestly? I don't want to keep any secrets from Gemini. Even it is not a secret for him now though."

Kay nodded and he directly looked at Fourth's eyes.

"Maybe because i am trustworthy than you."

"Are you really honest when you're saying this? You know, that shit was serious, asshole. Maybe i don't hate you, but i don't have a respect for you and your family. Not a bit."

Kay looked at him with anger and a little sadness in his eyes. It was painful for him remembering all their childhood memories.

"Your uncle cheated my dad and made him lose a lot money. Like your dad did to him, the same thing again. Are you happy now? You guys fucking got what you wanted twice. Wasn't it enough when you did it years ago, do you really needed to do it again huh? Are y'all were aware of what you did? My parents almost got divorced because they were fighting nonstop. We could lose everything we had you know? Our house, our things, and.. memories! You don't understand a shit because you and your family were doing except ruining everyone's lifes! You can't!"

"Still as dramatic as you were, jerk."

Fourth grabbed Kay by his collar. He was hardly holding back from punching him.

"Go ahead! You can punch me or beat me up! But remember something.. IT WASN'T MY FAULT THAT YOUR PARENTS ARE TOO NAIVE!"

And that was the last straw for Fourth. He punched Kay with all his strength. Kay's nose was bleeding, and Fourth's fists were red as hell.


Poor Gemini, hearing their voices ran back to his own room and saw Fourth standing there. He touched Fourth's shoulder, but Fourth pushed his hand back.

"I have nothing to do with your fucking cousin. Tell your family to leave."

"Honey, chill please. I'll tell them to go but please try to control yourself, can you?"

Fourth sighed as he saw Gemini's glassy eyes. He smiled at Gemini and Gemini gave him a peck to chill him down.

"Seriously, when are we going to be happy? When is it going to fucking end?"

"We'll figure it out. Don't stress out. Everything is going to be fine."

Gemini and Fourth left the room and they saw their parents and Gemini's aunt and uncle there too. It was obvious that they were all holding back hardly to argue, even fight. Seeing them, Gemini's parents stood up and called Gemini.

"Son, could you give us a moment with your husband?"

Gemini just nodded and walked back upstairs, while everyone was waiting for Fourth to explain what happened. But before they could start, Gemini's aunt snapped.

"How can you punch my son huh? Didn't your parents taught you nerves and respect?"

Gemini's mom tried to calm her down but she was just screaming and shouting at Fourth. Fourth did nothing, because he had respect to adults, unlike their son.

"Your son was the one to start. I'm not sorry for what i did. If it happened again, i would do the same."

Fourth was calm unlike everybody else in the house. He was smiling, sometimes drinking whiskey, doing everything except listening to their stupid conversations.

"We can only make this work with one thing. You should apologize and give all our money back completely. Even though we said it's going to affect our sons too, i would never let them to divorce. About us, co-in-laws, we'll only see each other in family gatherings that are special for Gemini and Fourth. If you agree, we can still make this work. But if don't, i think you will end up.in court, and giving back our money forcefully."

Fourth listened to his dad and after his words, he continued:

"No one would want to be in bad terms with the family of their loved ones. And i am one of them too. Even though i will not forgive you, i still care because i love Gemini, and what is special for him is special for me too."

Gemini's dad nodded, and replied:

"Firstly, i want to sincerely apologize for the thing i've done. You can believe me if you want, but i really regret what i did. You can be sure i'll transfer your all money back without any misses. And the second thing is, thank you for taking good care of our son and giving him the best life he can ever live. I have no doubts why he loves you and his family like this. We are his biological parents, but you made him feel like he belongs here. I am sad about it, but i know that doesn't mean we lost our son. We are so thankful to you, especially you Fourth. Thank you for loving our son unconditionally."

"Thank you for good wishes. I hope we can work this out."

Gemini's aunt was silent during the conversation. She just apologized for snapping and said it was her fault.

Co-in-laws shook hands after the deal, even Fourth and Kay did too.

But.. someone was missing, right?

"Oh, where is Gemini?"

Everyone looked at Kay, and Fourth realized he forgot about Gemini. He ran upstairs.

He looked at Nani's room but neither Gemini neither Nani weren't there. With panic, he ran to their o2n room and saw Gemini sleeping in the bed, hugging Nani and smiling in his sleep.

Fourth smiled and layed right next to them.

He kissed his husband and his son, and hugged them both to make them know and feel that they are safe.

Soon after, Fourth slept with them.

And there was only parents left, who were watching the couple sleep while looking so comfortable and happy.

HIIII WE ARE BACK!!! I'm so sorry for making y'all wait, and thanks for everyone who were waiting. I appreciate your comments, and sorry if there are mistakes. My phone broke and i had been through so many bad things that i don't even want to remember. Love you guys, last chapter soon. Bye bye 💌💗


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