Special Chapter.

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It has been a long time after all that drama. Finally, a peaceful life came to them, like an unexpected wave.

Fourth and Gemini had their third kid. Her name was Namtan, and she was 13 years younger than Nani, and 12 years younger than Noeul.

Noeul was their second child. He was a smart guy, he was always busy with private classes and his books. Unlike Nani, Nani was a full pain in butt. He always caught smoking, drinking and partying. But that wasn't a serious problem for Gemini and Fourth because they knew they disciplined Nani well that he knows his limits.

2 months ago, Noeul was sent to Australia to study there. He begged to his parents and they finally agreed to let him go.

Nani and his boyfriend.

"Aw babe stop it, they really don't bite!"

"I'm just shy okay? Your dad seems like a serious person. I don't even know how i am supposed to act infront of him!"

"Just smile when he says something, and tell him about yourself! He'll like you for sure."

"I'll try.."

Nani kissed Dew and the cheek and they slowly entered the mansion. They were dating for almost 2 years. Now they were both 17 and they thought they were mature enough to start a serious relationship. So Nani took Dew to meet his parents.

Fourth was still protective over his son, he was thinking that Nani was affected of him and Gemini, so that's why he thought he was gay. But Nani really did love Dew. So there was nothing to worry.

They both entered the mansion, and a maid opened the door for them.

"Welcome, son! Go ahead your parents are waiting for you two!"

Nani smiled as he held Dew's hand and he slowly walked to the dining room.

"You guys are here!"

Dew greeted Gemini and Gemini smiled at him.

"Hello, Mr. Gemini. I'm Dew."

"Nice to meet you, Dew. How have you been?"

"Thank you for asking, i'm doing fine."

Gemini warmly patted his head.

"Come on guys, sit down. I'll call Fourth."

Gemini ran upstairs as the boys satted down for the dinner.

"Come honey, Nani and his boyfriend is here!"

"Coming lov- wait wait."

Fourth looked at Gemini and damn he looked breathtaking. Fourth got closer and hugged his waist.

"You look so pretty today."

Fourth kissed his lips and they started to mingle around as if they were at their 19's.

"Let's go, they're waiting for us."

Fourth and Gemini came upstairs, and Fourth came back to his serious mode. Dew greeted Fourth and smiled like Nani said.

"Hello, Mr. Fourth, i'm Dew kub."

"Nice to meet you, Dew. Make yourself at home."

Dew was relieved because he thought Fourth would make him uncomfortable and nervous.

They were all settled at the dinner table, and in the middle of the dinner, Fourth spoke.

"Nani told us you are from Japan son."

"Yes kub. My mom is from Japan and my dad is Thai."

"Can you say something in Japanese?"

Dew gulped and looked at Nani. Nani was laughing.

"What d-do you want me t-to say, Mister?"

Nani stopped laughing when he saw his dad smirking and holding himself to not let out a laugh.

"Dad, please don't."

"You should say.. nya ichi ni san, nya, arigato."

Gemini spilled the water in his hand and started laughing hysterically.


"N-nya.. ichi ni san... nya.. arigato."

Fourth smiled, and he looked impressed. He patted Dew's head.

The dinner went so good. They chatted for a while, and Dew's mature actions impressed Gemini and Fourth.

It was midnight when Gemini was laying between Fourth's arms. They were watching a movie and talking about their kids. Gemini layed Namtan to her bed, and she said she wanted to sleep alone.

"They grew up so fast. I just miss the times he was a baby."

"We've reached so far."

"We're getting old now."

Said Fourth and laughed. He kissed Gemini's head and spoke.

"Thank you for not leaving me. I love you so much, and without you, there wasn't 'us'. I'm gonna treasure you until my last breath. And i want you to still be next to me when i give my last breath."

"I love you so much Fourth. Thank you for being with me. I don't know how can i live without you."

Gemini placed his head to Fourth's chest and closed his eyes. Just then, they heard the bell ring. 4 year-old Namtan, ran to the door and screamed.

"My brother came!!!"

Gemini looked at Fourth and they ran downstairs. Nani left his room when he heard his sister.


Namtan ran to his brother's arms and Noeul hold him. They hugged for a while and they broke apart when Gemini, Nani and Fourth came.

Noeul firstly hugged his dad, Gemini. He was biased for sure. Then Fourth and Nani hugged him too and they satted down to chat.

"I missed you guys a lot.. I realized that, even though i was doing everything for my future, i'm wasting all my time without you. I decided that i want to stay here."

Gemini smiled and patted his head.

"I know you're old enough to decided things for yourself, and i know that you decided this for the best. Now let's go to sleep. You must be tired."

Noeul nodded as he followed his brother and sister to their rooms.

Gemini told the maids that they can go to rest, and he decided to make a coffee for himself and Fourth.

Fourth smiled as he entered the kitchen and hugged Gemini from back.

"You know, i'm so lucky to have you as my wife."

"I'm so sorry for everything that had happened before. Because of my parents and things. Thank you for staying with me even though life didn't want us to."

"I love you Khun Gemini Norawit Jirochtikul."

Gemini smiled and turned to Fourth. He slowly placed a kiss to Fourth's lips and caressed his hair.

"I love you too, Khun Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul."


Your fav boys are back. 🥹 So sorry if we were too late 🙁. I miss y'all so muchhh 💓. I hope you like the special chapter and if you want i can write another special chapter too💓

Sincerely, Lynn ⭐️

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