04- My kind of man.

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Pov Author.

It was almost a month since they were a married couple. Now they were more comfortable with each other. I mean in every way..


Gemini woke up with the worst back pain ever.

"Shit! What the fuck is this pain?!"

He was shouting until he realized that Fourth was right beside him. He didn't wanted to wake him up, so he got up and headed to the bathroom, even it was so hard with this full back pain.

As Gemini was taking off his clothes, he heard the bathroom door open.

"Hey, Fourth, are you there?"

"It's me Gem."

Gem? Oh.. i've never thought some stupid nickname would make my face blush like hell.

I looked at him and saw his eyes were closed.

"Can I come? If you're comfortable."

"Sure, you can come."

He opened his eyes and smirked at me.

"Are you okay? Still hurt?"

"It hurts like hell. You were a beast you know?"

"I know. But you were so hot, how can I not be a beast?"

I smiled as he pulled me by my waist and back hugged me.

"Let me help you shower."

"No- wait. Can we shower together..? In the tub.."

He looked at me with a smile, and turned on the water in the tub.

"Wait in our room if you want, I'll arrange the rest."

I nodded and got dressed in my bathrobe and slowly walked back to the room. After waiting for almost 15 minutes, he called me in.

And holy crap. I was stunned when I saw the hickeys on his naked body.

"Your symbols, do you like it?"

"Yeah, I do.."

I felt my heart rushing as he carried me to bathtub. I sat on the middle of the tub and he sat behind me, pulling me in to his lap. I smiled and rested my head on his chest.



Pov Fourth.

Gemini was looking at me now. He looked so upset.

"What if.. nevermind, it's just my imagination."

I copped his cheeks with my hands as he turned to me face to face.

"Tell me what's wrong. I'm sure it's something that we can solve."

"Fourth.. what if our parents' business goes wrong and they just become enemies. I know i might sound dramatic, but it's not impossible. It happens in every second of businnesses or powerful families like our families. Are we going to divorce?"

"Gemini, why do you care baby? Even if they wil want us to divorce, we can date again like it was at school. I was trying to get your number and you were avoiding me. But, just know.. i won't let you go that easily. I'm ready to confront my family for you. You know, i had eyes on you since forever. Since the moment i saw you, i knew you were right for me."

Pov Gemini.

He was right. If he didn't loved me, he would never ask for my options for our marriage. He really cares. He never wanted to marry me and destroy my life.

Only if you knew, Fourth Nattawat...

You didn't destroy my life.

You just made it better.

"Fourth.. thank you. I don't know what to say, but i am so glad that you are my husband. Even though, this marriage was an 'arranged marriage', you've never made me feel that way. Every second we spend together, i'm thinking that i've known you since years and our marriage is love marriage."

He held my hand and kissed it. It felt like home. He always makes me feel like i'm home.

"Our marriage is love marriage Gem. Maybe it's one-sided love.. it's love marriage for me."

"Fourth.. i-i.. i love you."

"I love you too, wifey."

Here we are again. He was always mocking me with this 'wifey' conversations. He knew i hated it but, nevermind. Who listens??

"I'm not your wifey, i am your HUSBAND."

It was very first time i mentioned myself as his husband.

"I love you too baby. I'm just kidding."

He gave me a peck kiss and closed his eyes.

"Ehh.. what a beautiful day to spend with my wifey."

"You are getting on my nerves Khun Husband."


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