14- What is real pain?

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After 2 and a half hours, Gemini finally woke up. The first thing he did was holding his baby. Even though, Fourth begged him to not, because he was tired. But princess Gemini didn't care. He was holding their baby and looking at him with joy. Meanwhile Fourth informed everyone how their baby and Gemini was okay. The first person to call, was obviously Dunk. He always cared about Fourth, since their childhood.

Then all of their friends called Fourth, side by side. Fourth was so tired that he just clicked 'power off' and entered the room where Gemini and their baby was.

"Why finding a name is so hard?"

"Baby, i'm telling you. Let's call him Dorian."

"But it sounds like a fish name!"

"Aiden? Austin? I don't know."

"What about Demian?"

"It is kinda cute yeah. Demian Jirochtikul Theeranpanyakun."

"Ohoo! Isn't it so long?"

"Darling, he is a baby. No one is going to call him that anyway."

Their discussion was interrupted by a nurse. She quickly apologized, and informed them that they needed to do some tests on baby. Obviously, for a normal, woman born baby, Gemini's baby was weak. This scared them so much. Gemini was so freaked out, and he didn't even stopped crying when he heard about his baby's condition.

Again, when nurses took baby out, for laboratory, Gemini started crying. This time feels different. He was crying silently.

"Don't cry darling. I promise i won't let anything happen to him. He is our son, he is strong."

"But love.. he is a baby.. he is still so weak to bear all this medicine."

Fourth hugged Gemini tightly as he cried on Fourth's chest. Fourth didn't wanted to cry, or show his sadness. Gemini was already so sad and scared, so Fourth needed to stay strong. He needed to stay strong for them. For his husband and baby.

"We need to stay strong baby.. We are not hopeless, right? He is just like every other baby, he has no difference."

Gemini started sobbing and he hardly even said what he wanted to say.

"F-Fourth.. i don't want to lose our son.."

Fourth immediately froze. His hands started shaking, he wasn't even blinking. His world crushed right down to his head.

So, this is what we call 'pain'.

Fourth's head started to spinning. He tried to stop himself but he just couldn't unthink the things that can happen to their baby boy. He pressed his lips to each other and he hugged Gemini even much more tightly.

"No, no. We aren't gonna lose him. I promise Gem, please don't talk like that. Obviously nothing is going to happen to our son baby.. I won't leave you two, no matter what. We are gonna take him home.. then he is gonna open his eyes.. we will memorize his first actions, his first words.. then he is gonna walk.. Can you believe it darling, just imagine! Our baby is going to take his first steps! He will walk to us! You and him are going to be inseparable for sure. But don't you ever forget about me! Gemini.. my darling.. i love you so much. You are the best husband in the world. And i am so sure that you are gonna be a great parent too. No wonder why he is going to like his mother more. Because he has the best mother in the universe. Now, stop crying. I can't bear to see you like this my love. Please don't do this to us my love.. You are making me so weak. And, if i will become sad too, who is going to take care of my two babies here? Obviously i am the first one to stay strong. But i don't want to see my world, my darling like this anymore."

The whole conversation, word by word, Gemini fell in love with Fourth again and again. He knew that he had the best husband in the world. His arms suddenly got stronger and he placed them around Fourth's neck. Fourth kissed his cheek, and he wasn't mad about Gemini's silence. It was obvious that Gemini felt more mother hormones. It was normal for him to be sad and weak.

Fourth called one of the nurses and told her to do tranquilizer and give painkiller to Gemini. He thought it will help Gemini to calm down. Fourth already called their parents and told them that they can't come because of baby's condition. So their parents decided to fly to Miami.

When their parents arrived, Gemini was sleeping in effect of the painkillers. Their parents hugged Fourth. Fourth hardly even held his tears back. Apo knows, Apo sees, Apo understands.

"It's okay to cry son. Cry, let it all out."

"No dad.. i won't cry.. i need to stay strong for them."

"You should go to see Gemini. He can feel bad, if he wokes up alone."

Fourth nodded and left to see Gemini. He entered the room to see Gemini still sleeping. He cried himself to sleep, Fourth knew it. He sat down next to him and started to caressing his hair.

"I love you.."


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