05- Honest word.

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"Don't fucking get on my nerves! You know those diploms were important! How the fuck you gave it to them huh? How could you trust them, fucking answer me James!"

Fourth was shouting to one of his favorite workers. James was loyal, trustworthy and good person to work with. But now, Fourth found out that he betrayed him. Fourth threw his phone to the floor with all his strentgh.

Meanwhile, Gemini was sitting quietly, waiting for his husband to show up. They've arranged a restaurant to have dinner together. It was the first time he saw Fourth this angry. He just continued sitting on their bed.

Fourth tries his best to stay calm but he just couldn't. He hated betrayal, and the person that betrays him is done.

Pov Gemini.

I stood up and headed to the living room. The minute I entered the living room, a vase came flying towards me. I was able to move soon, so i was safe. He looked at me while his face started to go pale.


"Fourth, it's okay. Come here."

I hugged him tightly, so he did the same. I kissed his hair to comfort him.

"I trusted him.."

"It's okay, it's not your fault Fourth."

"I fucking hate people! Why all people that are close to me always betraying me? What did I do wrong? What the fuck i did to deserve this huh? Tell me Gem! Say something! Are you going abandon me too?"

He started crying tried to push me away. But I didn't let him go. I hugged him more tightly as he pushed me harder. I heard that he was having hard time breathing.

"No Fourth, i promise i will never abandon you. Fourth?! Fourth what's happening?!"

"I'm.. i.."

He started to fell down slowly. I was still holding him in horror. Until i realized that we were not alone.

"Isn't there anyone home?!"

I started to scream, because i knew that maids were home. Tears started to fell down from my cheeks. I screamed yntil my voice was gone. Finally maids came running towards us as i was crying histerically.

"What happened to him?!"

"He is having a panic attack! His attacks triggering when he is angry!"

His attack was too dangerous, so he was holding my hands so tightly. I tried to do the same but he wouldn't let go of my hand.

"And why i have no idea about this?! What I need to do?!"

"I'l bring medicine, please don't let go of his hands!"

One of them called the ambulance and the others were looking for his medicine.

"Fourth, don't close your eyes okay? Listen to me. I'm here. Your husband is here. Please Fourth, say something!"

He was shaking and crying, i was feeling so useless and stupid. How come i didn't know about his attacks? I felt like a horrible husband.

One of the maids gave me medicine, as I finally took one of my hands off him.

"Fourth, it's okay. Now you're gonna be okay."

I placed the medicine into his tongue and helped him to drink water.

After 5 minutes ambulance came and Fourth was recharged to the hospital. His parents hugged me as soon as they entered the hospital.

"Is he going to be okay..?"

"Don't worry son. He is strong. He won't leave us."

My eyes were blood red as i continued crying. I couldn't think of a life without him.

"Hello, kha. You can see Khun Nattawat, but just one person."

My laws sacrificied themselves for me, because it was my first time seeing him like this and basically i was horrified. So they thought i need to make sure he was fine. I entered the room and was shocked to see him awake.

"Fourth?! Oh my god."

I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He put his hands around my waist and kissed my lips.

"I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to scare you baby."

"Shut up..i'm just happy you're okay. I was terrified Fourth.. i thought you'd leave me. I can't leave without you, you know that right?"

"Come here."

He pointed with his eyes to his chest and I layed down to his chest. He kissed my forehead. Feeling of his warm lips was all i needed.

"Don't worry, darling. I would never leave you behind. We will live together, cry together, laugh together, love together, fight together. There is no Jirochtikul family without us. I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too.. i love you so much.."


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