13- Welcome home.

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"Long time no see Fourth! How are you? And um.. who is this?"

Fourth turned his head to Gemini and caressed his hair. He tried to avoid Namtan, and make her leave as soon as possible.

"It is Gemini, he is my husband, and also the father of my babies. If you don't have any questions, leave."

Namtan took advantage from Gemini's sleeping and caressed Fourth's arm with hers.

"Fourth.. i thought.. we have a good past.. and now i feel so connected to you. Do you think you can give us a chance? Please?"

Namtan got closer to Fourth but the second he pushed Namtan, Gemini opened his eyes.

Gemini was shocked. He looked at both of them as he kept distance from Fourth.

"Fourth? What the hell?"

"Gem, it's not what you think i swear!"

"Oh, hello Gemini, i'm Namtan, Fourth's girlfriend."

Gemini looked at Fourth, he tried to keep himself calm.

"Gemini, i swear there is nothing going on between us, please trust me!

Gemini nodded and he spoke.

"I mean, you aren't not that pretty too though, i don't think Fourth will lower his standarts to this after me. Oops, sorry darling, there is no after me for you right? I'm your only one forever."

Fourth smirked on Gemini's behavior. He loved his confident attitude. Fourth got closer to him and whispered.

"You should try to be more with your attitude in bed too."

Gemini looked at him, and side-eyed his husband. They both forgot about the girl whom was standing right next to them.

"Ugh! Ok, if this how you want to play it. Then okay."

She left as the couple started laughing. Gemini felt so good. He just did his first 'real wifey' attack in their arranged relationship. Or maybe, we should stop calling this arranged.

It was a long flight before they reached to Miami. Gemini was so tired that he couldn't even move his butt from plane. Fourth looked at his sleeping angel and tried to wake him up.

"Baby, wake up, we have arrived."

Gemini whimpered and looked at Fourth.

"I don't think i can walk. My belly hurts so bad!"

Fourth lowered his eyebrows and carried Gemini. Gemini was in so much pain. He would cry if someone touches him right now. He pressed his palm to Fourth's arm. Fourth, that moment understood that Gemini couldn't deal with his pain.

"Shh baby, it's okay. I will take you to the hospital okay?"

"Fourth.. i'm scared.. please, can we go faster?"

Fourth informed the flight attendants to take care of their things. He was so panicked now, he didn't know what to do. The best thing he can do now, was to call someone. He called an ambulance, who else he could call?

Ambulance arrived to the airport in time. Nurses helped Gemini to lay down on the stretcher. Fourth sat down next to them and held Gemini's hands.

"What is happening? Is he going to give birth?"

When no one answered Fourth, he knew something was going off. He kept silence and caressed Gemini's hair. Gemini was crying silently and he was holding into Fourth's arm.

When they arrived to the hospital, a group of medical teams were waiting for them. They were helping Gemini to get ready for the surgery. As the surgery room was getting prepared they left the couple alone.

"Fourth, i'm so scared.."

"Sshh, no, no baby, you don't need to be scared. I promise to you, everything is gonna be okay. Our baby is gonna come to us healthy. Don't worry na. I am here for you, if something bad will happen. Everything is going to be fine darling. Just believe in yourself, and try not to panic."

Fourth held his hands and kissed him. Gemini's stress was a little reduced. After 10 minutes of they lovey-dovey, it was the time. They took Gemini to the surgery room as Fourth sat on one of the chairs and started waiting for him.

He was scared, but he just didn't show it. Gemini was alreasy scared so he didn't wanted to make him worry more. As the time flew, he realized he forgot about their parents. He quickly called their father's for a group call.

"Hello Pa. I need to tell y'all something, please don't worry."

[Hello, Fourth, what happened? We hope everything is alright.]

"Pa, Gemini is giving birth now. He felt bad at the airplane so we just rushed him to the hospital. We will come back tomorrow if everything is fine."

[What? Birth? Oh.. okay son. We will tell your mothers and we will get everything prepared okay? You know we are busy so we can't come now. Take care son, call us after the surgery!]

"Okay, Pa. Don't worry, i'll call you. Goodbye."

Fourth hang up on them, and waited again. 1 hours become 2, 2 hours become 3. After 3 hours, finally doctor left the room and smiled to Fourth.

"Congratulations, Khun Nattawat! Your husband just gave birth to a boy. Now our team is gonna take them both to the room. You can go to the room before them, room number is 214. Take care!"

Fourth's eyes opened, hearing they have a son now. He smiled and thanked the doctor and started searching for the room 214. He found the room, entered it. Then he realized he forgot something and quickly called his manager. People who were responsible for their vacation, got the information from Fourth and delivered his special gift to the hospital right away.

After an hour, Fourth still was waiting. He started worrying, because why the hell it took so long?

The moment he wanted to left the room, Gemini in the stretcher, and 2 nurses entered the room. After them, the third nurse entered with an encubator.

In the encubator, their baby was sleeping. Fourth smiled and he started adoring him, while the nurses helped Gemini to lay down on the bed. Fourth thanked them as they left the room. Fourth held Gemini's hands, kissed them and tried to talk to him and their baby. His excitement blew away even the nurses. All the nurses who came for checking were adoring Fourth's excitement.

They were taking the next, biggest step of their relationship. Being a parent wasn't easy after all. But Fourth knew, that with Gemini, nothing was hard for them. He trusted in his love.


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