16- Law issues.

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Pov Geminii.

"Shit! How do i even change this?"

"Ai'Fourth! You're doing it wrong! You need to flip it!"

"But it's not working, look! I have baby poop all over my freaking clothes!"

Seriously, what am i gonna do with this man?

Now, even changing diaper was a whole chaos in our house. Whenever my mom wasn't around, i needed to face this. I was fully recovered now, just taking some bills. But Fourth swore to not believe that. He was acting like i was disabled for a destiny. I couldn't even change my baby's diaper in this house!

Finally, i had enough after 2 weeks and decided to help Fourth.

As i said before, my mom wasn't around that much. Same is for my dad, and Fourth's parents. Everytime we asked what was wrong, they were just trying to change the topic and continue asking questions about Nani. Simple questions, how every other grandparents ask their children.

"Is he eaten yet?"

"Is he bothering your sleep?"

"Have you changed his diaper?"

"Have you washed him?"

I'm like, i was so sick of this. It was so obvious that something wasn't going according to the plan. Fourth and I were obviously enjoying our this 'house-parents' time, but our parents just made us so nervous with that attitude.

Snapping out of everything, i helped Fourth to change Nani's diaper and started to slowly shake him to sleep. I sat down on the bed. I was feeling so tired but just then, when Nani was almost asleep, Fourth's phone started ringing. I yelled at Fourth but he just accepted the phone call and left the room.


Fourth returned to the room, and he was pale. He kissed Nani and Gemini then spoke.

"Gem, i need to go to the office. I need to attend some meeting. I'll be back after 2-3 hours."

"Okay, take care. We are sitting anyway."

"If you will feel alone, call Dunk or Phuwin to accompany you, okay? And if you two need anything else, just call me."

"Ohh! You sound like it's my first time staying alone! Just go, you'll be late!"

Fourth smiled and kissed me one more time. Then he left.

Nani was sleeping on his room, while i was making something for myself. Recently, i was always so hungry. I ate a lot.

"Ugh, so boring!"

I called Phuwin to chit chat a little bit. We were gossiping about our boyfriends obviously, and how boring the life was these days.

After 20 minutes of talking about global fucking, someone knocked on the door. I ran to open it, but before i could even touch the door, my dad entered the house. He looked furious he started screaming without even paying attention to me.

My mom and my laws enteres after him. They all looked so mad.

"Gemini, son. Go to your room take Nani and pack your things! You are not staying here any longer!"


Literally, what? What does my dad mean? What happened?

"Dad? What happened? I hope you are kidding right now."

Fourth's dad, P'Apo, told me to wait in my room. I ran to my room while the loud voices continued showing themselves. I called Fourth to tell him this chaos.

Nani was crying, unstoppably. I tried everything to pacify him, but his sobs weren't getting any lower. I was scared too, i was so scared that i couldn't even listen to the argument, and learn what is all this about.

Before i called Fourth, i heard a hard knock on the door. I ran downstairs with my baby in my arms, hoping to see Fourth. And yes, it was Fourth. But he looked really mad.

I understood he was mad by just one glance and his voice.

Last 2 weeks, no matter the time, everytime Fourth entered the house he would always talk quiet. He was always so careful, incase our baby boy was sleeping. But this time it was different.

Fourth started screaming the moment he entered the house, shouting about something else to his dad and almost crying.

I called one of the maids and told her to look after Nani.

I needed to know what was happening.

But when i was going back downstairs, i heard a loud scream and what i heard next made my tears come without any hesitation.

"You two are getting a divorce! I am not letting my son to stay married to the cheaters' son!"

Pov Fourth.

My head hurt so much. I was hurt so much that i couldn't even talk. I would have guessed this. I just knew that business partners' children can't get married. Only if they knew, i wish i was married to Gemini with the way how i met him at school.

In my world, there are 3 types of people.

1-People who only think about success, fame and money.

2-People who didn't care about them and just wanted love.

3-People who were both, but forced to be one-sided.

Everytime my parents and laws were screaming at each other, i was having flashbacks about how i met Gemini. That time, i thought fate really saw me this time.

Not fate, but money saw me again.

Everything was planned, step by step.

Pov Author.

The story is, before Gemini and Fourth met, it was all planned from a month ago. Gemini's parents forced him to change schools, get Fourth's attention, marry him, and act like it was arranged. Even that bully was planned to get Fourth's attention.

A year ago, 14th august.

Gemini's parents' business was running low recently. Their sales were going so low, they almost crushed down. Gemini's dad always had some second plan for money and fame, always. One day, he called Gemini to his room and told him he wanted to talk.

"What is it dad? What happened?"

"Son, i have some business things. Let's talk it's important."

"Oh dad, you know i'm not into business. Please find someone else."

"Look, son. My business is running so low right now. I need you to get married to someone else i know."

"What the hell? Dad i'm 18?!"

"Just listen to me. He is the son of my mayor. People say he is caring, cool but naive too. You can join his school, get his attention and then act like you two are getting an arranged marriage. We would get our money back, and get a lot more famous.q It would be so helpful for us son. Please do this for our family."

"No way i'm playing with someone's feelings."

"But you need to do it. We can just crush down and get left with nothing. Please think about this."

Back to Theeranpanyakuns.

"Fourth! They tricked you! That boy just acted like he loves you and he got their money back!"

"No! Gemini is not that kind of a person! I know there is something else!"


HEY GUYSSS I'M BACK! How are you? How is it going? Sorry for coming back late but i was having a mental breakdown💀😭 Now i'm fully ready, we should have chaos a little hehee.


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