06- Hapiness of our home.

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Pov Gemini.

While we were staying at the hospital, for Fourth, i talked to of one the doctors to do some examines on me too.

My hopes were on the way that i'm pregnant. We made love so many times, without protection. It would be the surprise for Fourth. I knew he was so ready to be a father, so was I.

I did tests, and started waiting excitingly. I was smiling like an idiot while dreaming of our family. Finally, nurse called me to the room. When i entered the room, 2 nurses and doctor were smiling at me. He gave me an paper, and continued his sentence.

"Khun Norawit, we did some tests and.. you're pregnant! Congratulations, please take care of yourself! We meet man bearer so rarely, so just know that you and your baby are precious!"

"Thank you so much.. i'm so happy to hear it. Thank you so much Doc!"

I was so happy to hear it, i smiled widely and ran to tell Fourth.

"Po! Po! Is Fourth awake? I need to tell him somet- Po?"

My dad was sitting speechless. I shook his hand and he looked at me.

"Ma? Po? What happened?"

When i didn't got a respond from them, i entered the room that Fourth was staying.

I opened the door, not expecting to see Fourth having an attack and shaking while nurses were trying to stop him.

"Fourth? Fourth what's happening?"

"Khun! You can't be here!"

While the nurses were trying to get me out, the doctor injected Fourth with a tranquilizer and Fourth fell asleep.

"Fourth! No! Fourth please.. Let go of me!"

The doctor told them to let me go, and they did. I ran to his side and fell down on my knees.

"Fourth.. Fourth please wake up.."

After 2 hours, Pov Author.

Gemini was sitting right beside Fourth for hours. He was holding Fourth's hands and crying without any stops.

"Fourth.. i'm so sorry for crying today.. This day supposed to be the best day in our lifes.. I know how badly you wanted to become a dad.. Fourth.. I'm pregnant. I'm carrying our baby Fourth, just like in our dreams. Remember, when you told me that i'm gonna be the best dad? No Fourth.. i won't. I won't without you. What are we gonna do without you Fourth? Please don't leave us. I need you so much now.."

Back pov Gemini.

I was caressing his hair, and then i just held his hand and placed it to my stomach.

"Look.. our baby is here. They are waiting for you.."

My tears were falling down like there was no tomorrow. I have never thought just a little panic attack will cause this.

"I'm sorry for crying, you know i'm a little drama queen."


Fourth's dad entered the room and gave me a bottle of water. I opened the cap of the bottle and drank it.

"Don't worry son. He is so strong and stubborn. He would never leave you and your baby."

"Wait, how do you know i'm pregnant Po?"

"Well, in case you forgot that i'm friends with your doctor. I'm so happy for you son. I know you two are going to be the best parents."

"Thank you Po.."

"What parents?"

"Fourth? Oh my god you're awake!"

I hugged him tightly and he did the same.

"Baby, you are pregnant?"

"Yes.. yes i am love.. we are gonna be parents.."

"Oh my God!"

"Slow down Fourth!"

He held my hands and started to kiss all over my face.

"Fourth, your dad is here."

"I don't care, i'm just happy. I love you baby, i love you so much! Thank you, thank you baby.."

"Stop or i'll continue crying!"

"Ssshh don't cry, come here."

He layed me down on his chest and kissed my head multiple times.

"It's time to plan the second child."

"My baby isn't even 1 month old!!"


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