
I didn't know how easy it is to miss someone you just met, but I have missed Dominic a lot since the weekend of Coachella. I was worried that we wouldn't actually keep in touch. These kinds of things can be unprecedented, especially when you've just met and most of your communication is through a phone. I didn't think it would actually go well.

I was wrong about that.

We have spoken every day since the end of Coachella. Every day. It's not like we just text either. We FaceTime. Honestly, we've gotten to know each other really well since Coachella. Our hours-long conversations every evening definitely have aided us in that. In a couple of short months, we've become really good friends. We both know that we feel like more than friends though. He's one of my most trusted people already, which says a lot. He understands a lot of the things I go through with being on social media, and he supports me through it all too. I'm lucky to have him in my life.

Dominic starts on tour next week, and he'll be in Detroit in a couple of weeks. So, I'm going to go see him. The drive is only five hours, and it'll be worth it for us to get to see one another again. We've been counting down the days until we'll see each other, so I'm really excited for it.

My parents know all about my friendship with Dominic. They know how much I like him, and that he's a really good guy. I wouldn't be talking to Dominic every day if I didn't know how good of a person he is. My parents know that. I've had issues with friends in the past, so they know I don't let people into my life like this unless they're genuinely a good person.

These two weeks go by really quickly before I get to see Dominic in Detroit. My cousin Milo is going with me, because my parents didn't want me going to Detroit by myself. I've never been there before, so I'd be vulnerable to sketchy areas. It'll be more fun at the concert if Milo's there anyway. He's one of my favorite people in the world, and my life is always more fun if he's in it. Milo is one of my "ride-or-die" people. We'd do anything for one another, and he's always been there for me. He's my brother-from-another-mother. Literally. Our dads are identical twins, so he's genetically my half-brother. Us cousins were all raised so closely-knit, that we've always been as close as normal siblings anyway.

I'm really happy that the concert is at an outdoor venue. The weather is really nice this weekend, and they allow people to bring blankets to sit on in the grass. Along with drinks and snacks, this is the perfect place to listen to live music. Milo and I brought a picnic basket full of things to snack on, and some cold sodas to drink while Dominic has his show.

Because the venue doesn't allow weed pens, Milo and I make sure to get high before we leave the hotel. Enough to make the crowd tolerable, but still be able to function normally. Neither of us really drink at all, so we usually just stick to hitting my pen before going into social situations.

Milo and I have always been very close. You already know how our dads are twins, and that we grew up in a very tight-knit family. Well, Milo and I are even closer than most people in our family, because we are exactly three days apart in age. Even though his mom went into labor before my mom did, Milo managed to be born three days after me. I've always taken pride in the fact that I'm the older one out of the two of us, and I've definitely held it over Milo's head on occasion. Growing up, we did everything together. We kind of still do now, as two kids heading off to college. Although, he's going to school up here in Michigan, and I'm staying in Chicago to go to Northwestern. I don't know what I'm gonna do without Milo, and it's already making me sad.

Although we're cousins, Milo has always been a big-brother figure for me. He's always kept me out of trouble, given me great life advice, and he's always looked after me in general. He's like my personal security guard, and I've always been lucky to have him by my side. I can't wait to see what he does at the University of Michigan. He's playing on the hockey team there, and he has a huge scholarship. I'm so proud of him.

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