
"Are you glad your boy could be here for Christmas?" Dad asks. We're getting some food ready to bring to my grandparents' house for the annual cousins' sleepover. Dominic is currently hanging out with Milo and Andrew, so he isn't at my parents' house with me.

I smile. "I am. We're really happy that we've gotten to spend the last few weeks together. And the next few weeks as well."

"Does your relationship almost feel new to you, since this is the first time you guys have gotten to spend an extended amount of time together?" he asks.

"Kind of, but not really. It just feels like we've always been around each other," I say.

"That's sweet," Dad says. "Do you know when you'll see him again after this visit?"

"In March," I say. "We're going to spend my spring break together."

"Are you going somewhere?"

"We haven't decided that yet. We might just camp out at my apartment for the whole week."

"I don't blame you," Dad says. "Sometimes that's all your mother and I wanna do. Camp out at home for a week. But then we had four kids, so we were always camping out at home. And then running you kids all over the place. You had violin lessons and softball, Taytum and Tenley had dance, and after-school clubs, Austin with baseball. We had our fun though. Your mother and I love to see the things you kids grew up to love doing."

"Did you ever expect for Taytum and I to become social media stars?"

"I didn't know what the hell you were gonna turn out to be, but your creativity has always been prominent in your life. I couldn't be more proud of you though, honey. You really found a great outlet to express yourself with. I'm constantly amazed by your creativity, and dedication, Reese. You've really grown up to be such a smart, talented, and well-rounded person. I know it was hard to get to this point, but I am nothing short of proud of you."

"Thank you, Dad. I couldn't have become who I am without your constant support. It means the world to me."

He smiles. "I don't think I tell you enough, how proud your mother and I are of you. You have such a kind heart, and we're so lucky to have you as our daughter. You are such a ray of sunshine for this family."

I give my dad a hug. "I'm so lucky to have the family I have," I say. "I don't think you understand how great of a job you and Mom have done. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have you guys as my parents. You both truly have always been here for us, and I'm so thankful for that."

Dad kisses the top of my head. "We always will be here for you, honey. No matter what, you can always come to us with anything. Wrong or right."

"I know," I say, as we pull away. "You know, Dominic was really nervous the first time he met you guys, but I told him I had cool parents. After about half an hour spent with you and Mom, he texted me and told me I was right. I think I might've been in the shower or something while he was hanging out with you two."

"I remember that. Your mother and I had a really nice conversation with him that evening. That was when he told us how much he admires you."

"He gushes over you both now."

"I'm glad he likes us," he says. "Some people don't like their significant others' parents."

"Trust me," I say. "He wouldn't be around if he couldn't get along with anyone in this family."

"Dominic gets along greatly with everyone," Dad says. "And he's so respectful to everyone."

"He's such a good guy. So down to earth. You should see him at home in Seattle. He goes to the store just to pick up his grandparents' favorite cookies, and then he delivers them to them and visits with them all day. How sweet is that? And he cares so much about the people in his life."

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