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The most full circle thing I've ever seen in my entire life, is watching our daughter Landry win the Battle of the Bands with the band she formed last year. She just started her senior year of high school, and she's hoping to go to college for music production. From a very young age, Landry loved to sing, and she loved learning to play any instrument that she could get her hands on.

Lennon is sixteen, and she is a dancer. She absolutely loves hip hop, and tap dancing. Sometimes she even combines those genres. Like her mother, she makes YouTube videos to showcase her talents. Colleges have already started reaching out to her for their dance teams.

Reese and I are so proud of the two young ladies we've had the honor to raise. Hey are both so smart, well-spoken, and talented. We've always joked that Landry could become a CEO someday. She still could, if that's what she wanted to do. She'll most likely pursue music, which makes me so proud.

As for how Reese and I are doing, we're doing great. We spend most of our time focusing on our family, and each other. Our careers are slowed down enough for us to be able to focus on what the girls are up to, but we still have our own ventures. Reese has gotten the opportunity to be the editor of a few movies, and those alone could've had our family made for life. I've toured a few times in the last two decades, just for the hell of it. Once the girls were old enough to enjoy the music scene, it was a lot easier for our family to go on tour.

We still live in the house we built before we got married, but we also ended up building a house in Seattle, near my childhood home. We visit there a lot throughout the year, and the girls feel just as at-home there as they do in Chicago. We also still have our cottage on Lake Michigan, right next to Milo and Sabrina's cottage. All of us spend a lot of time there over the summers, and it's so much fun.

Right now, Reese and I are having a night to ourselves. Lennon is at a friend's house, and Landry is at a songwriting camp. She's been so excited for this week, and I'm really hoping it goes well for her.

I sit on the couch and wrap my arm around my wife as we turn one of our favorite movies on. In our true fashion, we talk to each other instead of watching the actual movie. We talk about the kids, and then we talk about how we are alone for the rest of the night, and then we naturally pause the movie and go upstairs. Reese giggling in the same way she always has. That same giggle was passed down to our girls, which made me appreciate it even more than I did before we had kids.

As soon as our bedroom door is shut, Reese is pressed between me and the door. She smiles as I gently lift her chin, and then I softly press my lips against hers. She wraps her arms around my neck, and I groan as her tongue slips into my mouth. After twenty five years together, two kids, Grammy awards, academy awards, touring, and traveling the world with our girls, the love between Reese and I is still as strong as it always has been.

In fact, the idea comes to mind, and I pull away to smile at Reese.

"What?" She asks.

"Wanna go get a tattoo with me?"


Author's Note: Now that this story is over, I'm so tempted to write a book about Landry making it into the music industry HAHAHA

Reese is truly a special character to me, because her personality is so similar to mine. She has anxiety like me, ADHD like me, and just the way she presents herself is like me. I kind of wrote her as an extension of myself, I guess. She's one of my favorite characters I've ever created, and she'll be in my heart forever. She even has my middle name, Elizabeth!

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