Two Days Later

Dominic had a doctor's appointment today, so I found a place to get my nails done. After my nail appointment was over, I sat in a local coffee shop to edit Taytum's video for next week. My sister and I have a pretty good system for filming, editing, and posting our YouTube videos, and it works greatly. We film about a month ahead of time, edit for the next couple of weeks, and then put the video up a week after it's finished. That way, people don't know our location while we're actually there.

I honestly really like Los Angeles so far. The weather is perfect here, and Dominic and I have surprisingly been able to fly under the radar pretty well. Our plan right now in case of in-person speculation is to say that we're just friends. It'll be weird to lie, but I don't mind. I'd rather be able to keep our relationship as close to the two of us as possible. I don't have any reasons why it should be anyone else's business anyway. The people in our circles know about us, and that's what is important. We're going to a Halloween party tonight that one of Dominic's friends invited us to. We're keeping the same plan in case someone were to post a picture with us in it. We're going to play it off that we're friends who like to hang out together. The public doesn't get to see anything deeper than that, so that's what we're going to tell them.

One of the things I'd probably say is: "Girls can't have guy friends?". It's perfect, because it's a good argument, which makes our friendship seem more plausible. However, we both know the truth. We're the only two people that truly need to know it. We've been able to get by before by using Andrew and Milo as excuses to hang out, but we obviously needed a more fool-proof plan if we're going to be in public places together.

Of course our families and close friends are in the loop. They all know what's up. They're all very supportive of us, and are respectful of the boundaries we have when it comes to our relationship. Mostly meaning they don't post or talk about it. I wouldn't give information to anyone who I can't trust with said information, which is why we've been able to fly under the radar so well. Our friends and family have been nothing but understanding about the fact that our relationship is completely separate from social media.

The party is not as intimidating as I thought it would be. I find a group of YouTubers that I've met before, so I've been chatting with them while Dominic is hanging out with a couple of his musician friends. We're both doing our own thing, yet we're still able to communicate with just a glance. I love how we can have our own conversations without saying a word. He just can tell what I'm thinking by looking at me.

About twenty minutes later, Dominic finds me again. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah," I say. "Having fun?"

"Yeah," he says. "Are you?"

"Yeah," I say. "Can we stick together now though? The crowd is getting larger, and I don't wanna end up lost."

"Of course," he says. "We don't have to stay for much longer if you don't want to."

"No, we can. I just want us to stick together for now. There's a lot of people I don't know here, so I'd rather be near familiar people."

He pulls me closer before kissing the top of my head. "Okay. I wouldn't want us to get too separated either."

We walk through the party hand in hand, and my anxiety starts to go back down. People in LA couldn't care less about who's going out with who. It's mostly the social media followers that care. Other influencers honestly don't pay much attention. Besides, there's so many random hookups that happen between influencers, that no one bothers to report about them. There's always gossip floating around though.

The upside is that people barely flinch when they see Dominic and I together. As if they've seen us together a billion times. People around here probably see so many different combinations of people that nothing surprises them anymore. I bet Johnny Depp and Kylie Jenner could show up together, and no one would really be fazed.

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