A Week Later

Dominic and I have had a great week together this week. We did some touristy stuff with my family in Downtown Chicago, and then we hid away in my new apartment for a few days. I've been slowly taking all of my clothes there, and I just got all of my furniture delivered. It was kind of fun to play house for a few days while Dominic is still here. It just happened to be perfect timing with my furniture being delivered.

Tomorrow night is when he flies back to Seattle, and I've been trying my best to mentally prepare for him to not be here with me. It helps that we know when we're going to see each other next—it gives us something to look forward to together. We also picked out a Netflix show to binge watch together (we'll just watch the episodes at the same time and discuss).

The best part about this all? I already know when I'm going to give him a surprise visit in Seattle, and it's a lot sooner than he expects. We're supposed to see each other at the end of October, but I already have my plane ticket booked for two weeks from now. Dominic has no idea.

I have to be in town for my nephews' first birthday, so I'm flying to Seattle a week after. I can't wait. It's going to be super exciting. Sage and I planned it all out the other day while Dominic was showering. He'll be in the studio that day, so I'll be there waiting for him to get home.

I've always been good at keeping surprises. Maybe that's why my parents knew they had to watch me extra closely in high school. They knew I'd get into trouble without a trace. My attitude has always been to ask for forgiveness, rather than permission. With age, I've gotten my behavior in better control. It's not that I was ever a bad kid. I had good intentions and I was always respectful. I just did a few things that I should've asked my parents about first. My mom still brings up my nose piercing, and it's been three years.

Right now, I'm finishing up the editing for Taytum's next YouTube video. I'm usually two weeks ahead of schedule, and it feels good to have some sort of control over my lack of time management. Growing up with ADHD was always a struggle, but I'm finally getting settled with managing it. I wasn't diagnosed until I was about to turn fifteen, which sucked. I could've had such an easier time with academics when I was younger, but at least I know now.

I took a shower earlier, and now Dominic is showering. I decided to edit a bit before we go to sleep tonight, so my work will be done for tomorrow. Taytum likes to put some finishing touches on her videos (of course. She's the most perfectionist person I've ever met), so I try to give the edited versions back to her as soon as I'm done with my portion of the work.

Dominic sits down behind me on my bed and rests his chin on my shoulder. "Whatcha up to?"

"Editing Taytum's video," I say. "It'll go up about a week and a half from now."

"Ah. So you're ahead of schedule?"

"We try to film three weeks in advance, then we edit the next week, make the finishing touches the week after, and then it goes up the next week. It's so people don't know our locations if we go on trips and stuff."

"Ah. That's smart. I sometimes post things on my stories a day late. So people don't know what I'm up to at that exact time. Or even delayed by a few hours."

I smile at him as I close my laptop. "Great minds think alike."

"You don't have to stop editing just because I'm in here," he says. "You can keep working, I don't mind. I wouldn't wanna keep you from getting your projects done."

I get up and set my laptop on my desk before sitting back down. "Nope. We're spending time together. Tomorrow's the last day we'll see each other until October. We're having quality time. I'm ahead of schedule anyway. Don't worry about slowing me down."

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