
I got the best sleep of my life last night. Knowing that the girl I fell asleep next to is someone that I love, and who loves me, was one of the most relaxing things I've ever experienced. I don't know how to describe it, but I feel like I'm floating. Like I'm watching myself from another perspective, falling in love with the girl from Chicago.

Reese goes with my sister and I to my rehearsal, accompanied by her parents as well. I love looking out into the empty space and watching Reese sing and dance along to my set. She's having so much fun, and I love to see it. She's the definition of the phrase, "dance like nobody's watching". One of my favorite things about Reese is that she doesn't give a damn about what other people think about her. Or maybe she does, and she just doesn't acknowledge it. She certainly marches to the beat of her own drum, and I have a lot of respect for it.

When we get done rehearsing, Reese invites the band and my sister and I to go to her aunt and uncle's house for a pool party. There ends up being a big group of people there, because her family was there too. She even invited a couple of her close friends from school.

"Morgs, come over here," Reese yells across the pool. We're sitting on the ledge with our feet in the water. When her friend walks over to us, Reese introduces her to me.

"Morgan, this is Dominic. D, this is Morgs. She's been my best friend since we were basically still babies. I've known her since preschool."

"Hey," I say. "I'm Dominic. It's nice to meet you."

Morgan smiles. "I've heard a lot about you," she says. "It's nice to meet you too."

"Me too," I say. "It's cool to finally be meeting everyone that Reese tells me about."

"Is Milo here?" Morgan asks Reese.

"Not yet," she says. "He'll probably be here soon, but I think he was working a bit today."

"Okay," Morgan says. "I just have something to talk to him about."

Reese narrows her eyes. "Something you can't tell me?"

"It's nothing," Morgan says. "Just the fact that his best friend is an idiot."

"What did Stephen do this time?" Reese asks.

"The usual," Morgan says, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, it's fine."

"Milo will straighten him out," Reese says. "It'll be okay, Morgs."

"Thanks, Reesey."

"Oh, by the way, Dominic, Taytum, Andrew, and Milo will all be here along with my cousin Maeve and her boyfriend. They're all cool, you've met most of them by now I think." Reese says.

"That will be fun," I say. I lean over and rest my forehead against her shoulder. "I'm tired, babe."

Reese turns to face me, running her hand through my hair and kissing the side of my head. "I know. We can go inside for a bit if you want. Relax a little."

"I feel bad leaving everyone out here."

"Maybe getting in the pool will wake you up," she says, hopping down into the pool. "Come on, D."

I hop in, bending down so that my shoulders go under the surface. That's the quickest way to warm up if the pool is cold.

"You were right. I'm definitely awake now," I say. The pool's temperature is cold enough to give you a burst of adrenaline when you first get in. I feel refreshed now.

Reese smiles and shakes her head. "I know you too well."

"I think this is more science based than personal," I say, laughing.

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