
Society tells us that wedding planning can be stressful. Every bride wants every detail of her special day to be perfect, right?

I wanted it to be special, of course. But I didn't need it to be perfect. I knew I would be happy as long as we got married by the end of the day.

So, I didn't let it get too stressful.

In fact, planning our wedding ended up being one of the most fun things I've ever gotten to do. We hired an amazing wedding planner to help, and she made our experience incredible.

Taytum was a huge help as well. She has a great eye for color schemes, decorations, and putting things together in a theme-like manner. She always has done so good at tying things together, and she helped us make everything cohesive at our wedding.

We had a small wedding, consisting of both of our families, and all of our closest friends. It was small enough for us to have the wedding at our cottage in Wisconsin, and having the wedding at the lake was the best decision. Early July, string lights in the backyard, the water sparkling.

The catering was incredible, the photographer captured so many amazing little details, and we had so much fun with our family and friends.

We loved having a smaller-scale wedding, because it made our day feel so much more special and intimate.

Our honeymoon took place in one of our favorite countries we've ever visited together- Australia. We spend two weeks there, and the day we get back is the day our wedding video goes live. We didn't want any of our fans or followers to know when we were getting married, in the off-chance of them figuring out where we were and crashing the wedding.

We're very happy that our day didn't go down that road.

Dominic and I waited a year or two before we officially starting trying for a baby. We were shocked at the fact that I got pregnant after our second try.

A true full-circle moment was when our daughter Landry was born three days after Milo's youngest child, Hallie. I already know that Hallie will be holding those three days over Landry's head for their whole lives. Milo and I hope they'll be "twins" like we are.

Landry's middle name is Rayne,

Landry becomes a big sister when Lennon is born. Another baby girl. The same age gap as Taytum and I. I pray every day that my girls will be just as close to each other as my sisters are with me.

Landry does seem to already love being a big sister. She loves to be my little assistant when I'm tending to her baby sister. She definitely takes after Taytum's perfectionism and Tenley's kindness. I'm lucky to have pieces of my sisters shine through in my kids.

Lennon is now just over a year old, and she is the silliest little baby I've ever met. She loves when we read books to her, and she loves watching her sister. Which is perfect, because Landry loves to entertain Lennon. They love each other so much, and it makes me feel so proud of them. I love seeing their sisterly bond grow.

Dominic is the best dad to our girls. Their little eyes always light up when he walks into the room, in the same way his light up when he looks at them. The fact that I get to share two children with this man is one of the biggest privileges I've ever had. He's so good with them, and he's still so good to me. We have date nights at least once a week, and we always spend extra time together once the girls are asleep. Dominic and I promised each other when we got married, that we'd always try to keep adventure as a priority in our relationship. Whether it's spending time with our girls and exploring the world with them, us going with Dominic on tour as a family, or even going back and forth between Seattle and Chicago. Taking family trips, but also taking trips with just the two of us. We've only done small weekend trips away from the girls since Lennon was born, because she's still too young for me to be away from her for more than a day or two.

Becoming parents together is something that brought Dominic and I even closer to each other than we've ever been. There's just something so ethereal about watching your partner become an incredible parent that makes your heart swell. The unconditional love between just the four of us is something I never knew could be this deep. Now that Landry's two, and starting to become more talkative, my heart melts every morning when I go into her room to get her. Lamdry is always happy in the morning, and now she always says, "Good morning, mama!"

I always return the smile, give her a hug and a kiss on her cheek, and I tell her "good morning" back. I get her dressed and fix her hair before we go downstairs. Dominic usually has breakfast ready for her, and he hangs out with Lennon while she eats as well. As the girls both eat, Dominic usually hands me a coffee, a plate of my own, and of course, a morning kiss. Even though we already shared some of those before the girls woke up. That's just how we are. Always affectionate. It's healthy for the girls to grow up in a very loving household, and that's exactly what our household is.

Years ago, when I met Dominic for the first time, I never could've imagined the love and experiences we'd share. Every day, I wake up more grateful. We built such a great life for ourselves, and our girls. It comforts me that we've been successful at keeping our family life completely private from the media. We agreed as soon as I was pregnant with Landry, that we'd never give strangers a reason to think they know our children. They wouldn't know their names, their ages, what they looked like. I'll let them have social media once they're old enough to make safe and smart decisions for themselves. For now, there's no reason it should have to affect their lives at all.

Our kids spend a lot of time with their cousins, as I did with my siblings growing up. I can tell Landry looks up to Daisy (Milo and Sabrina's oldest), a lot. It's so cute to see them interact, and their dynamic reminds me so much of Maeve and I. 

Sometimes I look at my daughters, and I can't believe they're real. Dominic and I were just two young adults when we met, and now we have two beautiful babies. It's so full circle to think that Dominic and I decided to get tattoos together on a whim, and now we've been together for over ten years. We truly are blessed to have found each other.

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