
Of course Milo is the first person awake this morning, and of course he had to be too generous to order everyone breakfast. I can't stand him sometimes. He knows damn well that Dominic and I have way too much money combined. The two of us could've covered breakfast, but Milo won't even let us pay him back for our portion of the meal.

When I'm putting everyone's plates in the sink, Sabrina comes into the kitchen and smiles at me.

I know that smile.

That's an 'I had sex last night' type of smile.

"We have a lot to talk about," she says, smiling at me.

I nod, rinsing the dishes off. "I know. I had an inkling you'd say that."

Milo comes in and takes over the dishes while Dominic pours everyone more orange juice. Once the dishes are done, we all sit back down at the table and talk. It's a chill morning this morning, and we're having fun hanging out.

I know I'm right about Milo and Sabrina. Maybe it'll take time for them to realize it, but I definitely can tell that they like each other. They both get all nervous and blushy around each other. It's cute.

When Sabrina has to leave, Dominic and I go to my room to let Milo say goodbye to her in private. We do happen to witness them kiss goodbye, and I squeal as I smile at Dominic. "Knew it," I say.

"Heard that," Milo calls, walking back to the living room.

"You know you have to spill now, right?" I ask. Dominic and I hurry to the couch, where we sit to prepare for investigation.

Milo shrugs. "A real man doesn't kiss and tell, Reese."

"Woah," I say. "You're not supposed to keep secrets from me, Miles. Sabrina's gonna tell me anyway. She's one of my best friends now."

"Are you just trying to manipulate me?" Milo asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

I can feel steam coming out of my ears. Milo is like my twin brother, which means he knows exactly how to annoy me. He knows how to irritate me very quickly. Sometimes I think he really could be my brother, because he knows just how to fire up my attitude.

"You're just scared to admit that you like her more than the other girls you've seen lately," I say.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready to talk about it, Reese. Right now, it's between Sabrina and I. Got it?"

"Okay, fine," I say. "Don't tell me."

"Things are complicated right now," Milo says, in his soft, brother-bear voice. It kills me how nice he is. He never lets a temper get to him. "Just let me figure it out, okay?"

I nod. "Fine," I say. "But you know you can tell me anything, right?"

Milo nods. "I know. I will. I just need to process this first."

I nod too, and Milo gives me our secret handshake that we made up together when we were five. I've always loved having a cousin three days younger than me. We've always been close. We can go from being mad at each other, to best friends again in five seconds. I've always appreciated how quickly we can bounce back from our arguments. Milo really is one of my most cherished family members.

Milo shakes his head. "Reese, you annoy the hell out of me sometimes."

I smile. "I know."

We both laugh, and then I drag Dominic back to my room. Well, it's our room while he's here. Whenever he's with me, everything of mine is his. Milo knows I need a minute to stop feeling overstimulated, so he leaves Dominic and I alone for the next few minutes.

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