CHAPTER 1: Blinding Lights.

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Ryoikian year 2508, Era 195, the 13th of Frenia, the Ryoikian February.

Former Sycano military commander, Ian Koeta, sat in the waiting room of the medical wing of his bunker...awaiting the wonderful news.

His wife, Rebecca, had gone into labor several hours earlier...and soon their daughter would come to them.

Doctor Gerand walked into the waiting room...

"Mr Koeta, your child has been born."

Ian didn't have any words...he simply stood and followed the Doctor into the room.

Rebecca sat on the bed, holding the newborn.

"She's here Ian, she's here..." Rebecca said, her eyes streaming with tears.

Ian walked over and took the child in his arms...staring down at her lovingly.

"Welcome to the world, Sakuna."


The next few years would prove wonderful.

Sakuna Koeta, the newly born child, grew up quickly.

Top of her class, wonderfully behaved, and overall a great girl.

Over the years, as she grew, her parents taught her many things.

Rebecca Koeta, her mother. Being the bunkers resident librarian, tutored Sakuna on many topics, including magic. Which Sakuna had taken up quite quickly, being aligned with light magic.

Ian, her father, being the chief of the bunker security team. Taught her to defend herself, how dangerous the world can be and how she should handle it...and for her 11th birthday, even taught her how to shoot a gun.

The oddest thing about Sakuna...was her appearance.

Pointed ears, a bright shade of white skin, brown hair, and pink eyes which seemed to glow in the right circumstances. And her need for glasses, in which she wore big rounded lenses.

All these traits were...uncommon for native Syncao's but made her no less attractive.

...but fate would play a cruel game on everyone in bunker 098.

It was in the month of Junrer, the Ryokian June, roughly 4 months after Sakuna's 13th birthday.

A horrible situation struck.

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