CHAPTER 16: Manic

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The cool air blew around Symchych's...mostly nude self.

The large warrior was standing outside the door of his fellow Primordial, Corvini...waiting for a very important visitor.

And down the fancy hallway of the home, came Osiris.

Fully armored, he approached Symchych.

"Go in." Symchych mumbled.

Osiris entered the lab without another word.

The large amount of dirt and filth which greeted him was...unsettling, but not out of the ordinary.

Corvini's lab was a multileveled nightmare, the largest tower of the fortress dedicated to the crazed man...

On each floor sat different unattended projects, many which Osiris couldn't grasp the purpose of...

Osiris walked into the center of the tower, staring up the many floors...

Gathering energy at his feet, he shot himself up in a cloud of purple smoke.

He landed at the top floor...and beautiful observatory.

Corvini stood with his back to Osiris, staring at rainbow colored gem which hung suspended in a strong glass container.

"Hm...?" Corvini mumbled, his voice strained.

"Oh! Lord Osiris!" he said, quickly whipping around to face his jackal helmeted commander.

Corvini wore a stained apron over the clothes of a medieval noble, and bloodstained gloves and boots.

The most bizarre part was always his 'face', which resembled a leather plague doctor mask. The angular eyes of which glowed a lime green.

Only...the mask WAS his face. Covering his whole head in fact.

"Is it that time already my lord? I could have sworn you weren't due for another 3 days!"

Corvini twitched about as he spoke, and his voice modulated, but stayed relatively high and an annoying salesman.

"No. I told you the meeting was on the 18th, it's the 18th."

"But of course! Silly me! Staying up for days!"

Corvini giggled.

"How is our project?"

"Tch tch tch. Not very good...the gem really doesn't like the idea of binding to me! No no! Not me!"

"And the saplings?"

"Won't take! The bugger!"

Osiris growled.

"Oh no my lord-! Please don't get angry! I'm sure the majesty won't mind giving precious old me more time!"

Osiris spoke into his mind...

'Will we give him more time?'

The quiet voice of Aria echoed in the back of Osiris's mind.

'He has 2 weeks.'

Corvni twitched.

"You have two more weeks...please, have results."

"I am trying my best sir-! But I've already told you! The gem doesn't want to bond to me, nor to the plants!"

"Then find something it does want to bond to."

Corvini made a swallowing sound.

"I-I will try sir...but I-"

Corvini was interrupted by a squeak.

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