CHAPTER 19: Framora!

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Fern sat on the ridge silently...

His scope was at its 10x magnification...He was staring at the area ahead of him.

Another ambush, this time to stop a munitions delivery.

Octo had been placed in control of a small spec ops squad to command for the ambush.

"3-7, copy 3-7?" a voice, one of his younger members, came through.

"3-7 copies, send chatter." Fern replied.

"3-R has sightline."

Fern smiled under his helmet...

"Copy, Repo to point Charlie..."


Comms went quiet again...

Fern waited longer...and he saw them in the scope.

A Ulrian jeep was pulling into the ridge, with a few trucks far behind it.

"Alright team, get ready for ambush..." Fern mumbled...

Fern adjusted his sight...and took the shot.

A laser from his rifle shot and hit the engine of the jeep. Causing a mini explosion.

Fern watched with a sick smile as his team leaped from the ridge, and began to fire at the trucks and other jeeps behind the convoy...

Fern himself stood up from his prone, putting his rifle on his back and using his jetpack to blast himself closer to the fight.

While he was in the air, he unholstered his Demet auto pistol, and his breaching hammer.

He landed close to the first truck, firing with his pistol at a small group of Ulrian soldiers.

They tried to fire back, but Fern's backup covered him from even taking a shot.

Pure strength let Fern wield his hammer with one hand, taking quick shots with his pistol in his left...

It was a bloodbath.

The Ulrian soldiers stood no chance against Octo and his squad.

And soon, Octo was standing on top of one of the transport trucks...looking out upon the grey rocky road ahead of him. Back to camp.

Over comms, he spoke.

"Tren, I'm coming in!"

"Welcome back Fern." Tren replied.

The Kenian camp was lively, several popup tents for different facilities...

Tren sat near the back of the camp, near Octo's private tent.

They had finally breached Ulrian land! A few more weeks of fighting and the war would be done! The Ulrian army had been trying to lunch a front on the Kenian base for a while...but it wasn't happening anytime soon.

Fern sat in his camp, doing maintenance on his gear...


Fern turned around to face one of the younger soldiers...

"Ah, hey!"

Fern sat up from the small fold out table.

"The general wanted me to let you know your group is going out again, your going to clear out a nearby occupied village."

"Ooo...that's fun."

"You're also getting another ranger; they're going to rendezvous with you at the village."

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