CHAPTER 3: Yes, your majesty.

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Cold water was splashed onto Sakuna's face.

She bounced awake and tried to look around desperately.

Her head felt...attached to something. She could barely move it.

Sakuna was tied to an old chair, in the center of a dirty, windowed room.

In front of her stood a armored and masked man holding a bucket.

"W-where am I? Who are you???" Sakuna demanded, but the man said nothing. And left her field of view.

She struggled in the chair...hoping that whatever was going to happen, she would be okay...

"Hello miss...uh...Sakuna?" A woman's voice came from over a loudspeaker.

"Don't worry about your current situation, you'll appreciate it soon...but now...let the programming commence!!!"

Sakuna twitched fearfully.

"P-programming? What?"

Sakuna felt her restrains tighten, and a device grab her eyes and forced them wide open.

A screen came down from the ceiling, it had speakers on its sides.

The screen turned on...and a bright pink and blue spiral appeared.

Sakuna felt her mind be assaulted by magic.

"N-no...NO!!!" Sakuna yelled in fear, trying to wiggle her way out...

She was stuck, forced to stare at the the spiral...

Words began to flash, overlapping the spiral.




Sakuna heard the words spoken from the speakers on the side of the screen...and they echoed around in her slowly emptying mind...

She had never been trained on how to defend from mental attacks, and she was quickly losing the fight, every word feeling like a knife being stabbed in her brain...

'Obey Queen Zii' Flashed on the screen 3 times, before it returned to its normal loop...

Sakuna wasn't sure when she lost consciousness, she didn't remember the rest of the programming.

But...she did eventually awaken.

She heard a snap and jumped awake.

She was sitting in a hospital bed, wearing a white gown...

"W-wha...?" She said trying to move her body...

"Surprised it took you that long, haha!"

A feminine voice said.

Sakura turned to her right and saw a new face.

It was a woman no older than 30, she had black hair which barely grazed her shoulders, bright brown eyes, and wore a dirty outfit which resembled outfits she had seen worn by some of Sycanos legendary commanders...she also had a pair of black goggles hanging from her neck, one eye was pink, the other was blue.

"Y-you! You're the woman who I-" Sakuna began, but the mystery woman put a finger over her mouth.

"Shhh..." She whispered.

Sakuna...tried to speak. But her mind wouldn't let her.

"You are Sakuna Koeta, yes?"

Sakuna nodded.

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