CHAPTER 17: Callsign Octo- Ready for deploy!

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Fern stood at the dropship was his time.

"Drop in 5!" A voice called over the intercom...

Fern looked down at the helmet in his hands.

It was beautifully designed, primarily white with special green highlights...

The helmet had a T shaped panel of black glass close to where his eyes were...not like he would actually be looking through them, he knew better.

His armor was made of a magically strong metal, painted with the same colors of white and green in the same beautiful circle patterns...with some special gadgets built in.

On his back was a powerful jetpack, on each side was special magnetic locks. One for his rifle, and one for his powerful breaching hammer.

With a deep breath, Fern brought the helmet over his head...

He pushed it down and clicked the button on the underside.

He felt the helmet pressurize, as his display and HUD appeared in front of him.

He had a clear view of the ship interior, his general health status, the fuel in his jetpack and the flamethrower in his left gauntlet, along with the amount of whistlers in his right.

Fern saw the notification he was connected to mission control...and he spoke.

"Callsign Octo, ready for drop."

"Affirm." The generals voice replied.

Fern reached for his rifle, disengaging the magnetic lock and pulling the rifle into his hands...

It was a laser based, semiautomatic battle rifle. Extended barrel for better range, custom stock and grip, a vertical grip for the underbarrel, and a rectangular digital sight. With 4x, 6x, 8x, and 10x magnification.

His ammo count appeared in his HUD, 30 shots.

Fern walked up to the edge of the platform as the hatch door began to open...

Below him was a urban battlefield, Ulria had picked a fight at the Kenian embassy on Elise.

Fern adjusted his stance.

"Go for drop." The generals voice said in Fern's radio.

And without hesitation, Fern leaped out of the plane.

He let himself freefall for a few seconds, gripping his rifle tightly.

As he was nearing the ground though, his jetpack activated to lighten his fall.

He landed on an apartment building in a neutral area, overlooking the streets.

"Landed in AO." Fern said as he peered over the railing on the roof...

"Copy, your current objective is recon...see what they're doing in the embassy."

Fern smiled under his helmet, and began to run his way across rooftops, doing magically charged jumps to maneuver silently.

As he neared the embassy, his helmet began to pick up more radio signals...Ulrian ones.

He didn't tune to them...better to keep connected to mission control.

He hit a bout of trouble around a block from the embassy...

It was an Ulrian military outpost, built in a 4 way intersection.

"They've got outposts around the embassy." Fern reported.

"Not surprising, find your way around it...the embassy is your priority."

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