CHAPTER 10: Into the Abyss

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Fern pulled the pin on his grenade and threw it beyond into the crowd.

They weren't ready, and the explosion went off without a hitch.

Taking her chance, Sakuna dashed into view and shot the few stragglers.

Some of the other squad members rushed in as well.

The duo's first deployment with the Kenian Republic Military was to the ruins of a city on Cerentia, which had been a hotspot in the first few days of the war...but quickly devolved into the destroyed cityscape it was now.

Fern grabbed is marksman rifle and took shots at the few remainders...and then he saw it.

A small case, they were tasked to jump the convoy carrying it and get out of there.

Fern ran down and picked it up, then began to run away.

He made his way back to the small camp they had set up in an old house, and then waited.

The rest of the squad came back soon after.

"Oh! Fern! I was worried when we couldn't find you...but you got the package and got back! Great job!" The new squad captain praised.

Fern and Sakuna spent the rest of the afternoon on watch, and although they didn't see anything yet...they knew something was coming.

Ulria wouldn't just let Kena get hands on whatever this cargo was, and exfil wasn't for a few days...

Sakuna watched the ground around the camp through her digital binoculars.

She was quite good at sneaking around to vantage points like this...and was on overwatch. Carefully watching the abandoned home the used for a camp...

She felt the wind gently blow in her hair as she did, the military hadn't asked her to cut it. Thankfully...but she was letting it grow out further, the right side of her head wasn't shaved anymore...

...She was about to zone out when she saw him.

A man in combat armor peaked around one of the destroyed buildings.

He wasn't one of theirs.

He carefully looked about...but didn't notice Sakuna. She was prone and pretty high her binoculars didn't have glare.

The man made a hand signal, and a handful of other armored men rounded the corner, getting into optimal cover...

The final man to walk out though, was much scarier.

He was burly and large shouldered, his armor was beautifully painted, most of it a deep black color...but there was bits of white. Forming beautiful symbols and patterns.

One thing that caught Sakuna off guard, though, was his helmet.

It was large and shaped like the head of a jackal. With its eyes glowing a deep purple.

He didn't take any form of cover, simply standing and watching.

Sakuna quietly pulled out her rifle, sitting up and getting her sights trained on the man.

The jackal headed man made a signal with his hand...then pointed at the house.

The soldiers all stood and began to run at it.

Sakuna jumped into action at the same time, firing at some of the soldiers closer to the house.

She definitely hit one in the head, and was able to cripple another...but then she started receiving fire.

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