CHAPTER 13: Ryoiki!

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Sakuna landed the keys of her bike over to the robed man.

Sakuna had gone to the largest temple in the city, dedicated to the Ryoikian Gods.

She walked around the large brown colored temple silently, taking in all the statues and murals to the gods...

The main priest walked up to her, dressed in bright white robes...with a wide smile and a magical glint in his blue eyes.

"...You are not a follower, are you?"

Sakuna jumped back in surprise at his sudden appearance.

"I-I am a follower, believe it or not."

"You do not think the head priest of a temple cannot sense the gods, Miss Hilkariko?" The man spoke with a confident smile.

"Never thought someone could see through me like that-" Sakuna said with a step back.

"Judging by your attire and're on a visit to Ryoiki, yes?" The priest asked.

Sakuna nodded.

"...Then, come to the plate."

The priest lead her through the back of the temple, and out into the garden which lined the back of the temple.

It was covered in newly planted fruit tress and berry bushes, designed to help sustain the novices and priests at the temple.

But the priest lead Sakuna to a small pond, in the center of the pond was a platform hosting the crest of the Ryoikian gods.

"I leave from that?" Sakuna asked, pointing at the platform.

"Yes, desire transportation to Ryoiki. And you will go."

Sakuna nodded...and began to wade through the water.

The pond was very shallow, the water barely reaching Sakuna's ankles.

She stood on the platform...and shut her eyes.

She dug into the memories of Hilkariko, and saw the beautiful cityscape of Ryoiki...

She felt her body become warm, and blasted with air...

And when she opened her eyes, she was staring at a cobblestone staircase which lead to the main streets.

Since its creation, over 2500 years prior, after the universe had been created...Ryoiki had grown greatly.

It was a large piece of land, cut out from some other random planet and given its status as its own location.

It floated at the center of the universe, Ryoiki's point of zero-zero.

At its center, was a large white marble temple. It was filled with the thrones of the gods, to host meetings. Should it be needed.

Surrounding the temple, was the large sprawling city itself.

The city had been steadily building for years, and as ears came and went. So did the people who lived there.

Hundreds of homes and shops made in all different styles of architecture. From The Beyonds older stone, straw, and wood. To more modern day materials...not to mention all of Ryoiki's different cultural segments.

The high marble towers of Iria, Ulria's beautiful stone work, Proneno's tightly packed brick was all here.

It was free to visit. Walk around the beautiful circular streets, check out and purchase items from the many shops, look through some of the art galleries and museums. Or sit down in a public space with some friends from other planets and rest.

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