CHAPTER 5: First Outing.

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Sakuna burst into the gunstore with a smile.

"Morning Lizzy!!!" She shouted, then ran over to the counter.

Lizzy, who was still trying to wake up. Was shocked at Sakuna's energy.

"Woahhhh- Hey kiddo. What you in for?" Lizzy asked.

Sakuna slammed her 50 coins down on the counter.

"Fifty! The big Five Zero!!!" She said happily, her eyes ablaze with passion.

Lizzy smiled...she knew what was going to happen.

"Alright kid...go grab it." She said, taking a sip from her coffee as Sakuna ran down the isle.

She stopped in front of it...the same black painted plastic furniture and body, that stainless steel bolt...

She grabbed it off the rack and read the tag...

'Assault Rifle, Model 8 Titan. Primary.'

Sakuna carefully walked the gun back to the counter...where Lizzy was already waiting with a bag, a rifle case, and the key to the bolt lock.

As Lizzy opened the bolt...Sakuna asked.

"What does Zii do with her favorites?"

Lizzy, immediately turning red at the question. Stuttered.

"Uh- F-favorites? Zii uh- She does- um- adult things with them"

Sakuna wasn't as shocked by the answer as Lizzy expected.

"Zii fucks her favorites...ya know I should of picked up on that sooner."

Sakuna thought for a second.

"W-where the hell did that question even come from!?" Lizzy asked as she put the rifle into the case, no one was allowed to carry weapons outside of a knife and their sidearms outside of their cases, unless it was important.

"Kev seemed to think I was- he made a bet with Claude on it."

Lizzy...stared at Sakuna...her? really?

"Plus Ive caught Zii watching me more than she used to! And I lost several hours in a day before! And when I came back my head hurt and my legs felt like jelly!" Sakuna complained, still very upset about the loss of her time.

Lizzy felt...pretty uncomfortable about this whole thing. She was one of Zii's knights...but not a favorite.

"Well um- in the bag is 5 30 round mags, 4 boxes of 100 rounds of 9.23, a cleaning kit, and a strap for you."

Sakuna took the case and the bag...the weight took a second, but soon she was off walking to her next destination!

Zii sat at her computer, watching a handful of the bunkers camera feeds, and listening to music off of her wrist screen.

In particular, she watched Rory at the library entrance...she hadn't seen Sakuna come in yet today, which was odd of her.

She had been keeping good track of Sakuna since their little day, even double now that Zii had gotten a good chance to explore her subconscious. She found Sakuna quite cute when she was all drooly and mumbling...

But the knock to the door of her room made her bolt up and check the cam via her wrist.

She saw Sakuna's smiling wonderful!

Zii turned in her chair and pressed a button then shouted.

"Come in!!!"

Sakuna opened the door with a smile...she was holding a black rifle case.

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