CHAPTER 18: Render

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"An utter failure." Osiris commented.

Quarn, the finically dressed King of Ulria sat silently...

"What happened? Did you brain stop working!?"

"N-no! I just..."

"You had my supplies on hand! Severance and its Konbeni!"

"Why did you deploy ONLY your soldiers!?"

Osiris was fuming, the handing of the Embassy hostage situation put Kena back in a good position...the distraction of the war couldn't last much longer.

"I didn't think it was necessary! A ranger and 3 separate squads for a single hostage rescue operation!? That's overkill!!!"

"Kena is DESPERATE to end this war, and make sure it wins! We got you in this position so we could use a war as a DISTRACTION for our plans!"

Osiris slammed his hand down on the metal table of the meeting room.

"Aria has not yet wished your execution, but your actions will soon lead to your ASSASSINATION!!!"

Osiris and Quarn were both silent.

"We don't have long left before my plans are moved to Solaris instead of here...Corvini isn't making progress..."

"A-and then you'll be gone!?" Quarn spoke up.

"Yes." Osiris finished.

Following the meeting, Osiris sat in the back of a black van, his helmet off. Thinking.

There was a shift in the air as the car pulled out of the underground parking lot of the Ulrian Royal Grounds...

"The stakes are rising!" Came Aria's excited voice, right into Osiris's ear.

He looked to his right, and in the seat next to him was the ghostly version of his mistress...

"Good afternoon to you too..." Osiris mumbled, picking up a file out of a small box at his feet.

"I have it on good authority that Sakuna will be working her way back into the war soon..."

Osiris's eyes widened.

"What!?" He shouted, slamming his file closed.

"Oh yes! Her training is nearing completion...we will have more competition soon..."

Osiris pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"If she gets put in...were screwed..."

Aria chuckled evilly and crawled over to Osiris. Putting her hand on his thigh.

"Then we will prevent her further."

Kamryn sat at the bus stop quietly.

It was a colder night on Kena, she had finished a shift as a waiter and was waiting to the bus to get home...

She had her hands tucked into her jacket, which was heavier. Her shirt wasn't visible, but she was wearing jeans and some sneakers.

She was holding the handle of Sakuna's old 1916...she had started carrying it, and Sakuna's old knife from Haven, due to anxiety.

She was humming her music to herself, listening to her headphones...

She felt eyes watching her.

She sat up, taking out her headphones and reaching into her jeans pocket and stopping her music.

The quiet blow of wind passed through her ears...

There were footsteps behind her.

Kamryn stood up and turned around, staring.

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