CHAPTER 7: New home, again.

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As Sakuna opened her eyes again, she felt her ears ringing.

Her last memory was staring at Zii, who stood high above her at the gate to Haven.

Now she was staring at a tile celling, bright LED lights shining down at her.

Sakuna struggled to sit up...

"No no, Miss Koeta, please stay down." A male voice called to her...and a pair of soft hands helped adjust her back into her bed...

A man with a soft, but angular face, blue eyes, and blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail stood above her.

"The doctor will be here to see you in a minute now that your awake." He said, before leaving Sakuna's vision.

Sakuna sat and thought...and more memories came to her.

Burning Zii's face with light magic, flying through Ryoikian space to the planet of Kena. Landing outside city limits and making her way to a hospital, explaining the time with Zii...and then passing out.

But...was that Sakuna? was Hilkariko...but what was the difference?

Sakuna knew what she was now. A vessel. A vessel to the goddess of light.

Sakuna Hilkariko Koeta.

Her thinking time was interrupted by a woman walking into view.

She had dark skin, and brown eyes, and was wearing a doctors uniform...her hair beautifully braided and put up in a fancy bun.

"Miss Koeta?" She asked, reading the name off the patient clipboard.

Sakuna nodded. "Doctor Marketh?"

The doctor nodded as well.

"You need more rest, please go back to sleep."

Sakuna shut her eyes...and slept.

Sakuna slept for almost 2 days straight, only waking up to eat and use the bathroom...

On what Sakuna assumed to be her 3rd day at the hospital...she was well enough to sit up.

Dr. Marketh sat next to her bed that day.

"Well Miss Koeta, now that your well enough to sit up...lets talk about what's gone on yes?" The Doctor said, holding open Sakuna's patient file...

"Uh...yeah." She mumbled.

"Well, during your time unconscious we surgically removed the chip implanted in your neck. Along with having a psychological professional investigate your mental state...they have reported that all programming from this 'Zii' has been removed from your subconscious."

Sakuna sighed in relief...

"You appear to be somewhat malnourished and exhausted, along with physically weak. As such you will stay hospitalized for a bit longer...maybe a month or two. And then you should be free to go."

Sakuna nodded at the information.

"Sounds good to me, it's better if I ease myself back into stuff like gives me some time to think."

Dr. Marketh smiled.

"Well, I'll be checking on you once or twice a week from now on."

She got up and left...but the blonde nurse stayed.

"I'm Ocelot, your nurse, I'll be tending to your needs." He explained.

"Oh good...can I have some food please?" Sakuna requested.

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