CHAPTER 9: Kena to war.

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Kamryn stood at the counter chopping a bell pepper.

She had gotten home from work earlier than usual, and had sufficient time to start a nice dinner for her and Sakuna...being their 5 month anniversary.

3 months ago, Kamryn had moved in with Sakuna due to her own rent rising...and since Sakuna's apartment was paid for by the government made an easier place to stay.

But Kamryn heard the door unlock, and Sakuna come in.

"Welcome home!" Kamryn said, not taking her focus of the cutting.

Kamryn heard Sakuna throw her keys down...and then walk over. And Hug her. Sakuna resting her head into Kamryns shoulder.

Kamryn put the knife down and reached her hand over, petting Sakuna.

"Rough day, hon?" She asked.

Sakuna nodded...and Kamryn turned over, now leaning back onto the counter. Adjusting into a hug.

Sakuna shoved her face into Kamryns chest...and Kamryn rocked her back and forth.

After a few minutes...Sakuna pulled away.

"Thank you...uhm...I did get some stuff for anniversary..." Sakuna mumbled.

Kamryn smiled. "Like what Babe?"

"Well I got us both Doles Brownies, to start. But...I also had this made." Sakuna said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out two small gem hearts, both having the Initials 'S&K' carved in.

"Once for each of us...their little keyring things." She explained, handing Kamryn one of them.

"Ya know with Aniacrea coming up and all I-" Kamryn kissed Sakuna to shut her up.

Aniacrea was the Ryoikain Valentines day...the 14th of Frenia. And the day before? Sakuna's birthday...

Kamryn smiled as she pulled out of the kiss.

"Im handling dinner, you go take a warm bath or something..."

Sakuna nodded at the idea...and walked off.

Kamryn went back to cutting...she was making one of Sakuna's favorites, and one of her own favorites from her cookbook-

Sakuna ran herself a bath like Kamryn suggested, and decided to throw some bubbles in there to appeal to the child part of her brain...then slipped in happily and rested for roughly half an hour before Kamryn came in.

"Hey, Biker~" She said with a smile, kneeling down next to Sakuna.

"Hey you." She replied, looking over.

Sakuna sniffed the air...a familiar smell of cooking meat...

"Is that steak?" She asked.

"Well yeah, 5 months? Im making us our favorite."

"You shouldn't leave a steak unattended while its cooking babe..."

Kamryn giggled, grabbing Sakunas face and squishing it.

"But I have a girlfriend who I cant leave unattended either~!"

The two giggled and Kamryn let go of her face.

"I can leave me unattended..." Sakuna argued.

"Hmm..." Kamryn thought. "...No. No, I cant."

Kamryn giggled and kissed Sakuna's forehead, then stood up.

"Enjoy your bath...I'll come in when dinner is getting closer to done."

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