CHAPTER 20: Callsign Artemis! Deployed!

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"3-7, Come in 3-7!" Came through over Fern's comms, interrupting his observing of the other ranger.

"3-7 copies, status?" He replied.

"We've made it into city limits, Actual called for an update."

"Town hall is clear, and their other ranger has arrived." he said, looking over at the other soldier.

"Copy." The guy on the other end said, before going silent.

"We've got others approaching." The other ranger said, her voice slightly distorted by a voice modulator in her helmet...Fern had the same effect.

"...welcome to the war." Fern mumbled.

"Your rover nearby?" He asked.

The other ranger nodded.

"She's the one doing recon, you calling in yours?"

"Damn right."

Fern shot back up through the skylight with his jetpack and was surprised to see the other ranger sprout moth style wings made of beautiful white and yellow magic to catch up to him.

"Hey Tren, come pick me up please." Fern said into comms.

"Copy." Tren replied...

Fern turned to the other ranger.

"So what is your ro-" He started, but was interrupted by the answer to his question.

Another large rover landed in front of him, he estimated it to be slightly smaller than Tren.

It's body was much smaller, shaped like a slightly stretched out diamond.

It had two hands, both of which tightly gripped gigantic pistols.

It was painted black, silver, and pink. With 4 pink glowing eyes near the top of its diamond shaped body.

From its back, hovering slightly away. Were wings which appeared to be made of several specially shaped metal shards.

"...By Ita." Fern said in awe.

A few seconds later, Tren appeared next to the other rover.

Without another word, the other ranger hopped into their ranger. Fern followed.

The other rover shot up into the sky...

"Hey! I didn't get your callsign!!!" Fern said, his voice coming through Tren.

After a few seconds, he heard the notification of a person being added to his comms.

"Artemis, my Rover is named Nemo."

The voice was feminine...and familiar...

"Let's not focus on that though, prioritize the fight." She said.

Fern nodded in agreement and dashed off in Tren.

Fern and Artemis went off together, with Artemis sending him the location of the incoming tank convoy...

He blasted onto the road, firing at the tank with his arm canon.

Artemis slammed down in Nemo, firing at some of the tanks with their pistols.

Tren and Nemo dashed around, taking powerful shots with their high caliber weaponry.

Soon, the convoy was wrecked. Tanks, jeeps, and APC's all dusted.

The town was captured.

The two rangers helped move in the Kenian soldiers. Then met with the general...

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