CHAPTER 21: Riou.

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Fern watched as the gas around him cleared, Osiris was on the floor...Sakuna belly flopped form the ceiling.

Around him, was the transformed bodies of the crew...

Fern was breathing heavily...

Sakuna got up first...and quickly dashed over.

"TAKE THIS YOU FU-!" She screamed, before Osiris exploded into purple smoke.

Fern was stunned by the blast, and wasn't sure what happened...

He was hovering in space, the Ulrian ship blown apart, with some of the Kenian ship also blown up...

Fern summoned his magic shield, and steadied with his jetpack...

Around him was several debris...and the still unconscious Sakuna.

Osiris was nowhere to be seen...

"Fuck, come in Actual! Osiris was on the ship- it was blown apart- were-!"

Fern started...but stopped.

Osiris landed on some of the debris...holding a rainbow colored gem.

Fern's eyes widened under his helmet...

Osiris wordlessly slammed the gem into his chest.

He appeared to scream in agony as a burst of magic released from his body...the gem floating slightly above his chest...

Fern went for his rifle, but Osiris dashed at him first.

Fern expected death...but the bright flash of light in front of him was a saving grace.

In front of him, a woman with long flowing hair made of light stood there...blocking Osiris's magically charged punch with two golden colored swords.


Fern took the save to dash away with his jetpack, and landed on piece of debris as a sniping position.

He watched as Osiris and Hilkariko got into a close quarters fight.

The two had...unreal speed. Fern could barely keep up.

The rainbow-colored blasts against the bright white and yellow, which sparked with white electricity.

He took shots at Osiris whenever he could see him...but they never landed.

Fern was getting concerned, and desperate...

With one last second of panic...he waited until Osiris and Hilkariko were in a lock again.

Fern threw his rifle aside and used his jetpack and blast himself at Osiris.

He tackled Osiris and grabbed the gem.

For a few seconds...he was in the most pain he had ever felt.

The Riou gem, the core of Ryoiki's dimensional satiability...a great source of strength and power...

And he was fighting over it...with Osiris.

Fern forced his will upon the gem, trying to gain control...Osiris fought back...

But Hilkariko came to the rescue.

She roundhouse kicked Osiris in the face, knocking him out of focus.

Fern grabbed the gem and pulled it away...

There was a bright flash...and two bright orbs shot away.

One landed on Solaris...the other on Ulria.

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