CHAPTER 2: Bunker lost, to The Haven we go.

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The bunker door had been breached.

It happened late at night, but a group of raiders breached the bunker and began to wreak havoc.

The unprepared security team had gotten itself wrecked pretty hard, and without Ian to lead them, they were useless.

Ian and Rebecca had been woken up by Sakuna running and crying to them in fear at the alarm...she had never experienced one before.

But as the parents were comforting their child...there was a loud knock on the door.

"We know there are still some of you in there! Open up!!!"

Ian and Rebecca stood up at the voices.

"W-what? Where are you going!?" Sakuna asked through tears.

And while Ian dug through his closet...Rebecca turned to her child.

"Its okay baby, hide under the bed, don't leave until its safe, okay?" She asked, then kissed Sakuna on the forehead.

Sakuna, who was still sobbing quite intensely, nodded and did as her mother said.

Ian pulled out a Bulkhead shotgun with a foregrip on the pump lever.

"Alright, lets do this." He said, starting to load it.

Rebecca sighed...and went to the door. Ian following.

The two stood...and opened it.

In front of them, stood two women.

One was dressed in heavy combat armor and held a Titan LMG.

The other was lighter armored, and appeared to be a Neko, with her pink cat ears and her tail.

She held a bolt action rifle.

"Oh- SHIT!" The woman in the heavier armor said, holding up her LMG.

Ian shot first, an almost point blank shot to the plate carrier sending the cat girl into the steel wall of the bunker.

Rebecca shot a jet of hot water from her hand into the face of the heavily armored woman, disorientating her.

She used the few seconds to dash, and slam the heavily armored woman with a enchanted strike. Causing her to drop her LMG and keel over.

The cat woman came back to herself and took a hip-shot at Ian, hitting him in the knee.

Ian tried to blow the cat lady's head off, but she dipped down just in time, rechambering a round in her rifle andf firing at Rebecca.

But she sensed the shot coming and dissolved her body into a small puddle of water, making her hit the helmet of her partner instead.

"Oh you bastard-!" The armored woman yelled as Rebecca reformed, changing into her at full strength and knocking her into the window of the Koeta families room. Shattering the glass.

Ian looked at Rebecca in panic, giving the cat lady enough time to land a shot in his neck, then sweep his legs.

He fell, back to the floor. Starting to bleed out.

The cat lady stood up, chambered a new round. And was ready to fire at Ian...until...

The eyes of the cat lady, and of the armored woman. Glowed a deep purple.

The two stood still...and then began to walk away. With the armored woman retrieving her LMG.

Sakuna was still trembling under her parents bed...but once the footsteps were sufficiently far enough...she scrambled out and into the hallway.

Ian sat, bleeding out, gripping the hole in his neck.

Rebecca had already died.

"N-no!" Sakuna cried, kneeling next to her father.

"I-im sorry child..."

He whispered...his voice already faltering.

"...Tamashi comes for my soul, as he has taken your mothers...but don't falter."

He coughed, blood shooting from the hole on his neck.

"my gun and know how to use them...go."

Sakuna looked at her fathers belt...his Q-09 pistol and combat knife awaiting her.

She sniffed and carefully removed them...holding the pistol in her right and the knife in her left.

She looked back at her father...but his eyes had gone from their normal dark an empty grey.

Sakuna closed her eyes, and tried to steady her mind and body...just as mom taught her...

She stood up...opened her eyes, which now glowed pink with determination. And ran after the raiders.

She ran through many horrific sights, her fellow dwellers slaughtered for no good reason.

The sadness inside Sakuna turned to rage...and she began to run faster.

She reached the entrance to the bunker, the blast door opened wide to the wasteland.

Without thinking, she shot at the first thing she saw...a woman in medium combat armor who was addressing the crowd.

She whipped around, and within a second. A Blast of red energy hit Sakunas right hand, causing her to drop her gun and knife and fall over in pain and shock, grasping her hand.

"Yield-!" A voice yelled...and Sakuna heard footsteps near her.

Standing over her, was the woman she took a shot at.

She wore several plates of steel armor over a plain blue shirt and some long pants...she also wore a pair of painted goggles, one eye was pink, the other was blue.

"I'm impressed, kid." She said with a smile.

She adjusted her grip on the gun in her hands, Sakuna recognized it as a model-05 Krin laser rifle...she had seen an image of it.

The woman hit Sakuna in the face with the buttstock, and she blacked out.

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