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She awoke as the candles around her room were silently being lit...

She sat up, holding tightly to her layered red and black covers.

"Good morning your majesty, lets make today great." The maid said in a monotone voice as she kept lighting the candles...

The woman in bed got up, and walked to her bathroom...

She stared at herself in the mirror.

Pale skin, red eyes, black hair which went to her shoulders...

She smiled, her sharp fangs showing...

The woman splashed some water on her face, waking herself up more...then began her daily routine.

Her maid, of course, assisted.

A little over 20 minutes later, breakfast had been eaten and the woman was getting into a form fitting black dress...

It went down to her heels, but had a large leg slit.

She put on some black fishnets, fancy black heels, and a beautiful black tiara. Studded with rubies...

The woman soon walked into her throne room, her maid trailing her.

It was beautiful, the gothic castle was cleaned to perfection, with black banners show casing a pink and blue spiral pattern...

In front of her throne, stood a man in a heavy suit of armor. Wearing a respirator.

Down the long rug which lead to the entrance of the hall, stood several armored soldiers...their defining features hidden.

The woman sat down in her silver throne...her maid standing next to her...

Osiris stepped down onto the hard and dusty metal floors.

The floating circular drone in front of him sent out a signal...and the square hydraulic door hissed open.

The room he was lead into was giant, and full of what appeared to be cryopods lining the hundreds of isles of mechanical shelves...

Ahead of him though, was a large technological throne.

It was made of scrap metal, and had wires and tubes leading around and out of it...

Sitting in the throne, was a woman, her face obscured by a mechanical mask with screens, which had wires leading into the throne...

Her hair was brown and appeared tinged, it went to her shoulders.

Osiris took a breath, wheezing as he did...

The injury to his chest fucked up his lungs, forcing a modification to his suit...

Tubes lead from small filters on his hips, straight into his chest.

He walked to the throne...

The woman sitting in it appeared unmoving, or even alive. Her body frozen still.

But Osiris knew better.

He tapped a button on the front of the throne and stepped back.

There was silence...and a hiss.

The wires connecting the woman's mask to the throne disconnected, and she stirred.

Her mask appeared to boot up, the circular pieces over her eyes.

The right eye had a spinning pink spiral...while the left had a blue.

On the mouthpiece, a yellow waveform with a grey background booted to life...

The woman rolled her shoulders and stared at Osiris.

"What." She demanded; her voice filtered...

The waveform on her mask moved as she spoke...

"I desire to speak with you...Queen Zii." Osiris stated.

Zii pushed herself off her throne...


Ryoiki: Ranger of Light (4)Where stories live. Discover now