CHAPTER 4: Fitting in

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Sakuna spent a lot of her free time reading or training.

There was a small boundary wall outside of the bunker, and out there was different gym equipment and benches.

And today, she found herself laying stomach down on a bench reading a book she had snagged from the bunkers old library...the warm but not overheating sun on her back.

Roughly 2 weeks Sakuna had been living at Haven. And truthfully? She quite enjoyed it!

She missed her parents and friends in her old bunker...but she felt slightly more free in Haven, not bound by as many rules.

Zii stood watching her from the bunkers open entrance, she had kept a careful eye on Sakuna since she got here...she was the youngest Zii had ever accepted into Haven, usually turning down those who weren't 18...

But something about her intrigued Zii, she wasn't sure what it was. But this kid felt different.

But...she had noticed that she never talked to anyone unless needed.

She had visited Lizzy at least once, the library several times, and did her jobs without complaint...yet didn't try to socialize with any of the other members of Haven...not like she didn't have other recruits to possibly connect with.

But...they were all so much older than her, the youngest recruit being 18.

Zii had realized by the end of Sakuna's first week that the issue was age.

...maybe she should spend some time with her.

Zii decided...and slipped on her goggles. Then walked over.

Sakuna was still deeply interested in her book...but she did hear Zii approaching.

"Sakuna?" Zii asked, her voice always slightly echoed in Sakuna's ears...

Sakuna bolted up and stared at Zii.

"yes your majesty?" She said with a smile.

Zii couldn't help but smile as well.

Sakuna was a cute kid, even cuter when Zii could clearly see her how handiwork affected her.

"Just came to check on you, mind making some space?" Zii asked.

Sakuna quickly changed positions, pulling her book into her lap and sitting on the bench properly.

Zii sat down next to her and looked out at the people working in the yard.

"'ve been here for two full weeks now, how is it?" Zii questioned.

"Oh-! I've adjusted quite nicely! I really like this place...I feel more free than in my old bunker, not to mention not being bullied or looked down upon that much..."

Zii smiled warmly.

"Still struggling to find friends?" She asked next.

"H-huh?" Sakuna stuttered, now looking at Zii. "I-I mean..."

Sakuna wanted to lie and say she was, but her mind wouldn't let her lie directly to Zii.

"N-not really...everyone is so much older than me...its weird to talk to them..." Sakuna admitted, looking down at the book in her hands.

"Yeah...makes sense."

Zii sat and thought for a minute...then checked her arm screen.

It was barely 10, still had some time before lunch...

"Come with me." Zii commanded and stood up, with Sakuna obeying. Closing her book and standing up to follow.

Zii lead Sakuna back into the bunker, and down some corridors Sakuna hadn't traveled...into a interesting room.

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