Chapter One

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The dungeon is far uglier than Prince Liam could have ever imagined. Its chipping brick walls are a mud color, becoming largely discolored over the centuries. The ground is nothing more than dirt, which stains nearly every surface of the large area.

All of the cells in this section are empty and have not been used in over a decade. All but one.

In the furthest cell at the end of the block, a young woman sits huddled in her corner. Though the prince and his guards are not quiet in their approach, she does not turn to look at them.

The woman somehow has an inflated sense of her importance, despite being imprisoned for just over four years.

Prince Liam stands in front of her cell, hating the fact that he even has to be here. If times were not so desperate, Liam would not stoop so low as to request help from his brother's murderer.

"It's been a while since I've had visitors," she claims. Her back is turned to the group, so all Liam can see is her knotted white hair. Its unnatural color marks her as the lands most powerful sorceress.

Surprisingly, the girl is only twenty which means that she hasn't completely mastered her craft. Were it not for the chains around her wrists, Diana would likely know the full length of her capabilities.

Fortunately, even with Diana's limited understanding of her gifts, she is the most powerful sorcerer to exist.

"I'm not here for a visit," the prince claims. He rests his hand over the hilt of his sword while he stops in front of the cell door.

Curiosity drives the woman to look at the prince. Her dark eyes study him carefully, stark compared to her sallow skin tone.

Diana's beauty was once legendary. It's claimed that she had the ability to charm both men and women. There were even poems written of the girl's unnatural beauty.

Here, in this cell, this woman does not look beautiful. Her cheeks are too sunken in and she looks too sickly. The years have not been very kind to her.

"Why are you here, little mouse?" She slowly rises from the floor. Her height is intimidating since she is taller than most men. A sadistic, evil grin grows across her face while she looks down at the prince with her chin angled toward her chest. "Haven't they taught you to fear things that slither in the dark?"

Her tone creates unease in the guards that surround Prince Liam. They warily glance at one another, wanting to leave this section of the dungeon.

There are all sorts of tales created about this woman. She's what parents tell their kids to get them to behave. She's the cautionary tale that teaches people morals and life lessons.

Liam only knows her as his older brother's murderer. Nothing more and nothing less.

"I heard that you originate from a group of witches that make magically binding deals," the prince claims. "Is that true?"

Her dark eyes give away the answer, even when she does not. There's a moment of unfiltered surprise that flood through them while she stares at the prince before her.

When the silence stretches on past thirty seconds, Liam takes another step closer to her cage. "My name is Prince Liam of Ichiga, heir to the Ichigan throne. I am here to create a deal with you."

Eyes flashing, Diana turns her gaze away from him. "I don't make deals with naïve little princes," she claims. The woman waves him off in a dismissal. "You're wasting your time."

Unperturbed, Liam stay rooted to his spot. "Currently, we're at war with Stetis, a land that slaughters people like you." He waits for her to turn back and look at him. When she doesn't, he continues, "except they've enslaved a sorcerer that's stronger than everyone in this land. Everyone except for—"

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