Chapter Sixteen

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Princess Violet is much easier to watch over than Diana. In the day that they have spent together, the young woman has remained only within the castle walls. She tours the palace by herself, exploring all of the rooms to prevent herself from getting lost in the future.

Not to mention, she does not have the ability to teleport herself away.

Currently, she is exploring the oversized library. She pulls a dusty book off the shelf and skims through it. Princess Violet hums to herself while she turns to face Rosalie, who is standing beside the room's closed door.

"No one comes in here very much, do they?" The princess questions.

Shaking her head, Rosalie avoids the woman's gaze. As long as the guard keeps her focus away from her future queen, she should be able to control the crush that she has developed. "Not that I know of."

The sound of flipping pages fills the space while Violet walks toward the chair. "I am surprised that I have not found my future husband through all of the wandering we have done." The princess flops over a couch in a manner unbefitting of a royal woman. Her green dress spreads out across the entire couch, hiding the black leather.

Slightly clearing her throat, Rosalie stares out of the window across from her. There are green, rolling hills in the distance beyond the thick forest. The hills contain village houses and farmland full of crops and cattle. If she focuses enough, Rosalie can make out small blurry forms of people wandering about on their land.

Dramatically dropping the book in her hand onto her chest, Violet bores her eyes into Rosalie. "Where is my fiancé? I was informed yesterday that we were to meet, but that never happened."

Last night, after tirelessly searching through the maze for Diana, Rosalie ran into the sorceress and the prince. The latter had appeared to be annoyed and slightly angry, but his attitude was not directed at the guard.

Liam informed Rosalie that he and Diana were going to be fighting on the battlefield alongside the soldiers. He also had reassigned Rosalie to watch over the royal guest his mother had invited.

It is still unclear to the guard whether or not Liam is aware that the "guest" is actually his future wife. She did not have time to ask questions before the prince and the sorceress had disappeared within a cloud of white smoke.

"He is helping with the war efforts," Rosalie answers. "He should be back within a few days."

A scoff leaves the woman's lips. "It appears the prince holds as much desire for this marriage as I do." She lifts her book once more, studying the pages' contents. "In all honesty, I have never been interested in marrying a man."

Though she can sense the bait, Rosalie cannot help herself. She darts her gaze toward Violet, whose gaze is not even on the book. The small illusion of self control that Rosalie had dissolves from the mere eye contact they share with one another. "Your Highness?"

Carelessly tossing the book to the side, Violet sits up on the couch. A smile graces her lips, revealing her beautiful teeth. "In fact, I have never desired a man in the twenty-two years that I have been alive."

Slowly, the woman stands. Her heels click against the floor as she walks toward Rosalie. Click. Click. Click. With each step that she takes, Rosalie can feel her heart pick up in tempo. Soon enough, the princess is standing directly in front of the guard. "Women, on the other hand, I cannot help but desire."

Air catches in Rosalie's throat as Violet begins to play with one of her curls. The princess's hands gently brush against Rosalie's cheek, leaving small sparks in their wake. Rosalie can feel herself slowly break down, wanting nothing more than to kiss the woman standing before her. "Is that so?" The guard questions. Her voice comes out in a breathless whisper.

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