Chapter Twenty-Six

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Since the introduction of these mysterious weapons called guns, the casualties on Ichiga's side have increased. As the advisers give Andrew the reports of the numbers, he finds himself wondering how Liam had allowed for the country to get to this state.

They have children dying on the front lines while their adults sit on their asses in guard recruitment. Had Andrew been around, he would have pushed for their guards to join the soldiers on the front lines long ago.

"Do we have anyone learning how to make these guns?" the prince questions. He looks out at all of the men, who have their faces hidden behind their paperwork. "Any efforts at all to level the field?"

The oldest adviser clears his throat, avoiding Andrew's gaze. "No, Your Highness. We still do not have the resources to do so."

Frustratedly shaking his head, Andrew tosses his papers onto the table. He rubs his temple, wondering who hired such incompetent men. "Then get the necessary resources to achieve this. Make whatever trades are necessary to do so."

A pressing silence descends upon the group. The advisers look amongst one another, communicating with their gazes. Irritatedly sighing, Andrew rolls his eyes. "What now?" He questions.

"Your Highness, as we discussed in our previous meeting, no one is willing to trade with us. They claim we have nothing of value for them."

Of course. No one wants anything from a dying country. Any promises that Ichiga may make could fall through at any moment with how close they are to being defeated by their enemies.

Heat tints the prince's cheeks a pale pink while he thinks of another solution. He absentmindedly plays with the corded necklace that sits around his neck. "Alright. Find a way to gain these resources. In the meantime, we will reassign some of the guards so that they are fighting on the front lines."

"I am not certain we have the proper manpower to do that without—"

Andrew stands from the table, effectively silencing the adviser. "Remove them from the nobles' lands. They will get over whatever anger they feel when they keep their ranking within Ichiga."

The other men stumble to their feet while the prince walks toward the room's exit. Each of them bend at their waist to bow. He ignores all of them as he leaves, blowing out an annoyed breath.

Leaning against the wall around the corner of the adviser room is Diana. Half of her curly white hair is pulled from her face, reaching toward the center of her shoulders. When they had been together, Diana had insisted on wearing her hair longer.

He likes the look of shorter hair on her. It makes her more irresistibly beautiful and compliments her facial structure.

Diana has a pensive look on her face while she stares out of the hallway's windows. Today, she is wearing another dreadful shade of black, completely undermining her beautiful dark skin tone. He has never liked the color on her, much preferring beautiful shades of green and purple on her.

"Hello, gorgeous," Andrew greets. He shows off a flirty grin that has always made her weak at the knees. Andrew leans his arm against the wall by her head.

In this body, he is shorter than her. It minimizes the effect that he is trying to go for, making him feel like he is a child trying to hit on a grown woman rather than an adult. Diana clearly feels the same based on the disgusted scrunch to her nose and her frown. She leans away from him and stretches out a hand to force distance between the two of them.

"What are you doing?" She questions incredulously.

Lowering his arm, Andrew searches for an explanation. He awkwardly looks between Diana's body and her face, finding that she very clearly wants nothing to do with him romantically. "I, uh, was trying to charm you."

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