Chapter Thirty-One

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Rosalie has effectively avoided Violet all day, getting posted in random corners of the palace while Prince Liam and Diana are gone for the day. Since she knows all of the places that the prince frequents, Rosalie has gotten herself placed into areas where Violet will not venture.

It's a temporary solution at best, since the pair will run into each other often enough. Liam and Violet's wedding is within the next two months, which means that the princess will soon be involved in the prince's decisions. She will be forced to be in the same rooms as Diana and Liam, which then forces Rosalie to be in her presence.

Rosalie has never gone through a break up before, so she never realized how difficult one would be. Especially when she is going to see her ex on a daily basis.

The door to the tea room opens with a quiet creak, alerting Rosalie of a new presence. Violet closes the door behind herself, leaving the two of them alone in the room. Her face is a written apology while she approaches. She stands a respectable distance from the guard, leaving Rosalie plenty of space. "I wanted to talk with you."

Rosalie had been assigned to this room to watch over a royal guest. She had hoped it was one of the ladies-in-waiting that the queen had summoned for the princess to meet. It should have occurred to Rosalie that Violet would do something like this to get time alone with Rosalie.

Training her eyes to the wall behind Violet, Rosalie makes her face neutral. "There is nothing significant for the two of us to speak on, Your Highness," Rosalie answers.

There's a quiet sigh before Violet takes two steps closer. "I understand that the prospect of a marriage to me frightened you away." The sound of her palms rubbing together reaches the guard's ears while Violet quietly contemplates her next words. "I just knew I wanted to keep you in my life forever because I love you."

The guard can feel her resolve begin to waver. She has never been romantically pursued by a woman before, so the sweet words that Violet is saying are working on her. "Your Highness," Rosalie warns. "Please. Let's not make it harder than it needs to be."

Violet dares to venture closer to Rosalie. It's more of an effort to avoid the woman's gaze due to her proximity. "I refuse to believe that things are over between the two of us," Violet insists. "I love you, Rosalie Samara. I am willing to have you in my life in any capacity. Even if it must be as a friend."

At this, Rosalie's focus snaps to the woman's face. She takes in the passion in Violet's eyes and the determined set to her lips. Whatever strength she had to resist Violet completely melts away. "I cannot just be your friend, Violet. You eat away at my mind and consume all of my thoughts. Morning, day, and night I think of you. A friendship can never exist between the two of us."

A ghost of a smile shows on the princess's face. She suppresses the smirk and instead leans in, placing her lips onto Rosalie's.

If she had any strength remaining, it disappeared the moment that their lips connected. Immediately, Rosalie's hands are gripping the sides of Violet's face. Violet backs Rosalie against the wall, smiling into their kiss. "I missed you," she murmurs against Rosalie's lips. "I never want us to be apart again."

The door to the tea room opens. Rosalie can hear the chatter of several women. When she pushes Violet away from her, the damage is already done. The pair are being exposed by the queen's six ladies-and-waiting, all of which have their hands covering their mouths in surprise. In the very center of the group is Queen Katherine, whose eyes are blazing with a mixture of shock and anger.

There is no way out of this for Rosalie. She had been caught, and now she is going to be severely punished. Her family will be brought to shame and she will lose her job. Everything that she has fought for is now lost.

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