Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Private moments with Violet used to be rare. Now, it is the best way for Rosalie to pass the time. With Diana dedicating herself to risking her life at the war front simply to avoid Prince Liam, Rosalie has no other choice but to act as the foreign princess's personal guard.

Rosalie would be lying if she were to claim that she missed guarding Diana. In fact, the woman has barely been able to withhold her sharp tongue since the incident a couple weeks back. Though it is certainly not entirely Diana's fault, Rosalie cannot help but place some blame onto the sorceress.

Violet tucks a strand of Rosalie's hair from her face, staring deeply into the woman's eyes. "What are you thinking?" She questions.

A content sigh leaves the guard's lips. She closes her eyes as a way to settle into the princess's cozy mattress. "About how much of a blessing it is that I do not have to guard Diana today."

The princess is silent for a moment. Though her eyes are closed, Rosalie can tell that Violet is attempting to select the correct words. Violet glides her thumb along Rosalie's cheek. "I do not believe that Diana is that bad." When Rosalie snaps her eyes open, Violet is looking away from her. "She seems rather kind."

Shaking her head, Rosalie grabs Violet's hand. "You've only been in the same room as her a handful of times. You do not know what she is like."

Almost as though she has an argument prepared, Violet lifts up her fingers. "She restored your brother's hand after he attacked her. She's saved this kingdom an unimaginable amount of times. She even has saved Prince Liam's life several thousand times, and she does not receive any gratitude for it."

An incredulous laugh leaves the guard's lips. Violet has always teetered more toward the naïve side of things. She is constantly looking for the good in people, even when there is nothing good to find about them. "She is the reason the kingdom was in danger in the first place. She worked with our enemies to murder Prince Andrew."

"I do not believe that's quite true," the princess murmurs. Her voice is so soft, Rosalie barely heard it.


Closing her eyes in frustration, Violet rolls off of the bed. Her long, silk gown brushes the floor with its green edges. "I did not mean to pick a fight with you." She crosses her arms and looks away from the woman. "I wanted to set the correct mood."

Propping herself onto her elbows, Rosalie quirks an eyebrow at the princess. She watches as the woman nervously weaves her fingers together before unweaving them once more. "The correct mood for what?"

Forcing herself to look into Rosalie's eyes, Violet draws in a deep breath. "Rosalie, you and I have known each other for quite some time now—"

"Several months to be exact," the guard beams.

"Let me finish!" Violet frustratedly shouts. A smile grows on her face, taking away the seriousness of her tone. "We have grown together and learned. We've laughed and we've cried and we've fought. All my life, I have been searching for someone just like you. Someone I can treasure and spend the rest of my life with."

Heart quickening in her chest, Rosalie watches as the princess sinks down onto one knee. Violet manages to maintain eye contact, her focus on Rosalie's face. Though she is nervous, Violet is certainly sure of herself. She has thought this over just enough to know she feels this is the correct course. A brilliant diamond ring sits in a black box in the woman's hands. The diamond is triple the size of anything Rosalie could ever afford. "Rosalie Samara, will you marry me?"

A deadly silence falls over the room. If Rosalie speaks, she will be slain by whatever beast now sits between the two of them. Her mind races through millions of thoughts in a second, unable to grasp a full understanding as to what is happening.

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