Chapter Thirty-Nine

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History will know this moment to be the day that Liam and Diana are officially married. When this day is reported to their future descendants, they will find a painting of Diana in an expensive wedding gown provided by only the kingdom's finest beside her husband. The story of their true wedding, which occurred only a month prior, will eventually fade overtime.

The intimacy in having a secret wedding is comforting to Diana. In a world where every move is publicized, Liam and Diana were able to find a small moment of privacy. Where this wedding is simply a display for the entire world to see, their first wedding had been for them and the gods.

Resisting the urge to scratch at the dress's material, Diana readjusts her dress for what may be the hundredth time. Whatever expensive material this dress is made from, it is highly uncomfortable. Such a material is certainly not designed to be worn. Not for long periods of time, that is.

"You look beautiful," someone claims.

Immediately, Diana turns her head toward the source. Her gaze falls upon the sickly pale spectator, who stares at her with a small smile. A lump begins to form in her throat while she stares at the figure. "I thought you moved on," she responds.

There's something sad about Andrew's gaze while he looks her over. It seems like this moment is bittersweet to him. "I wanted to watch your wedding," he answers.

Under different circumstances, this could have been their wedding. If they had been successful five years ago, Diana would have walked down the aisle in a dress that is totally wrong for her. She would have married a man who loved her for her power. The rest of her life would have been completely miserable.

"As beautiful as you may look, that dress does not seem to fit who you are now," Andrew continues.

Sweat begins to lick her armpits. She spreads her arms so that there's a small amount of space between the material and her skin. Her attention moves away from the ghost to the dress that she is currently wearing.

This is most certainly a dress she would have chosen for herself at sixteen. It's extravagant, beautiful, and exudes wealth. A perfect combination for a young girl who is pretending to be something that she is not in order to fit in.

Blowing out a breath, Diana does her best to sit down in the gown. "It's a traditional wedding dress. It's what they're all going to expect me to walk down the aisle in." she claims. "Besides, Liam and I already had our own wedding."

Andrew shrugs. "That is fair." He's silent for a moment, studying the doors leading toward the altar.

In just a few moments, those doors will open and Diana will walk. She will meet Liam at the end and they will be married all over again. Their marriage will signify the end of her isolation and the beginning of the rest of their lives.

"Today sets a precedent," the ghost states. He, too, is staring at those doors. It's a wonder what all is going through his own head. Perhaps he is speculating on what his life would have been like had circumstances been any different. "Most know of how you acted as their traitor. They know of your fierceness and strength.

"The moment you walk through that door, they will be looking to you as their future queen. They will make judgments of your rule based on today."

Before Diana can come up with a response, the doors in front of her open. Hundreds of people stare at her, watching her every move. They stand as she starts to walk down the aisle, keeping their entire focus on her.

There are pale flowers lining the walkway, making the entire space feel dull and devoid of color. The life has been sucked out of the space, giving the feeling of a funeral rather than a wedding.

At the end of the aisle, Liam smiles at her. The look on his face is soft and encouraging, as if he is trying to convince her not to flee the wedding space. He is wearing the outfit he had on the day he cut off Darren's hands. Remarkably, the outfit does not have any stains from the incident.

Not a single touch of this wedding highlights them as a couple. Not the flowers or the guests or even their outfits. Everything has been perfectly curated to fulfill someone else's dream.

Halfway down the aisle, Diana stops. She studies the scene before her before turning her bouquet in her hands. "Isn't this a little dull," she comments. Her eyes glance around at the guests, who are starting to appear uneasy.

With a snap of her fingers, Diana's dress catches fire. Around her, the room fills with gasps while the fire transforms her dress into a black gown. The material on this gown is far more comfortable. With minimal lace and floral designs, Diana feels much more herself in the long dress.

"Much better," she claims while she continues her walk down the aisle.

Liam outstretches a hand toward her to help her up the stairs. A grin shows on his face while he shakes his head. "Always with a dramatic entrance."

Diana accepts his help with a smile of her own. She winks at the prince while taking her place across from him at the altar. "I have to give the people something to remember."

In truth, Diana could care less about how the people in this room view her. Not too long ago, they all despised her. They treated her as if she were a plague on this earth. They called her cruel, terrible names.

The sorceress is all too aware how fickle power can be. There are two ways to maintain a position of power: through fear and through respect. Inspiring as it is to be a respected leader, Diana knows not to be naïve. Her ability to be respected by the people died a long time ago.

Fear is the only tactic that she has left. One that she knows how to weaponize well enough.

To Diana's left, a priest speaks. Diana half listens to the man, quietly studying Liam's features. If he is nervous about the crowd scrutinizing them, he does not show it. Instead, he keeps his gaze set towards the priest, listening intently to the words being spoken.

When he casts a glance in Diana's direction, his face lights up in a smile. He squeezes her hand reassuringly, offering her some of his strength. The light streaming in through the oversized windows strikes his eyes, making the green seem even lighter. They almost seem jade in color.

An image flashes through her mind, so brief she doesn't get a chance to digest it. A strange uneasiness sits in the pit of her stomach. She cannot explain the sudden feeling overwhelming her, but she knows that she feels wrong.

Liam leans in and kisses her, likely signaled by the priest to do so. The moment that their lips meet, the feeling goes away. She is safe and she is secure. Whatever she had felt before was nothing more than paranoia.

Around them, the crowd explodes with applause. A few individuals whistle and cheer, celebrating their future king and queen.

The pair pull away from each other and turn toward the crowd. They are met by smiling faces that are so welcoming, Diana finds herself desperately hoping that this is a true new beginning for her. No more hatred. No more anger. Just love, hope, and happiness.

No matter how paranoid she gets, she knows that she will have Liam by her side through all of it. The good. The bad.

Nothing, other than death, can part them now. 

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