Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Everyday, it becomes harder for Liam to reveal himself to Andrew. He's been blacking out for longer periods of time, losing track of how long Andrew has been controlling his body. It's even becoming an effort for Liam to watch over his body.

No one has noticed his change or the fact that he is no longer the one in control. Though he clearly acts strange and lacks the knowledge and understanding necessary for the war, none of his advisers have noticed. Diana has not noticed the terrible attempts at flirting or the fact that he holds no respect for her boundaries. His parents have not noticed his short temper or his intolerable behavior.

No one notices nor do they care.

Liam has learned how to make the world move almost at a complete standstill. He can freeze moments in time and capture every detail. He does this trick often when Diana is around. In the stillness, he is able to study the unique features of her face.

Every smile that she has ever spared Liam has only been polite. He has yet to earn her true smile, with deep hollows for dimples and two suns for eyes. There's something breathtaking about the way that she smiles, as though it alone has the ability to cure all disease.

Diana is the only light within the endless darkness. Her presence is the one thing that gives him strength. Liam can only assume that it comes from their bond, which makes her magic flow through his veins.

"What do you think, Li?" Andrew questions. He stares at Liam's ghost through the mirror. He uses Liam's hands to adjust the cuffs of his shirt. "Do you think this will be enough to win over Diana today?"

When Liam does not answer, Andrew bats a hand. "No matter. She will grow used to the style change soon enough." The dead prince turns his back on the mirror, slipping on his black gloves. "Now, the two of us can be matching."

Liam does not look nearly as good in black as Diana does. The color makes him appear sad and sickly. It brings out the dark circles that permanently stain his undereye and the hollows of his cheeks.

A soft, tentative knock echoes through the room. Andrew answers it within seconds, running a hand through Liam's wet curls. "I apologize, but I am not—" His sentence gets cut off when he finds Diana standing in the doorway.

She is dressed in all white— a decision she once claimed would end tragically. The color makes her skin tone appear radiant. She looks similar to a goddess with her unbound hair in tight spirals and her eyes decorated with gold makeup.

There's almost a nervousness to the woman while she peers up at Andrew. "Is it a bad time?" She questions. Her hand falls to the gold chain around her throat, playing with the small pendant. "I should probably go if—"

"No!" Andrew exclaims a little too desperately. He attempts to recover with a smile. Planting Liam's arm in the doorframe, Andrew leans against it and tilts his head up at Diana. "Any time is perfect for you."

There's a quick flicker of a wince on the sorceress's face before she smiles shyly. Liam must have imagined the look since now Diana leans in closer to Andrew. "I have a surprise for you," she whispers. Her hand finds his wrist, gently pulling him forward.

Without hesitation, Andrew follows her. He would follow her to the ends of the earth if she asked him. Andrew would do anything for Diana. "What's the surprise?"

The shy smile on her face turns predatory. She appears as though she is about to devour a meal rather than surprise Andrew. "I cannot tell you, that would ruin the surprise."

When they round the next corner, Liam recognizes the route. It's the same one they had taken to get to the secret room. The room with glass ceilings to stare at the stars and shelves full of books.

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