Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Diana has grown used to hateful looks and vitriol being spit in her direction. That's why she does not feel the sting of the muttered remarks the royal guests make toward her. She doesn't react to the whispers or the glares.

Liam, on the other hand, is becoming incredibly irritated. It's all that he can do to remain seated at her side. Though he had witnessed this behavior at the disastrous dinner party, Liam foolishly believed that winning the war would change people's behavior toward Diana.

With all the chaos that has happened, it's almost certain that their dinner guests have heard of the false accusations that the king issued toward Diana to get rid of her. It's likely fueling their terrible judgments of her.

As if sensing his growing anger, Diana places a gentle touch on his forearm. "Relax," she orders. Her voice is low and hard for him to hear over the string quartet. "You're going to give yourself premature wrinkles if you keep scowling like that."

A scoff leaves the prince's throat. His eyes dart over to a pair of older men, who steal glances in the couple's direction. Each time they look upon Diana, there's an unmistakable look of disgust on their faces. "I suppose hate does make you ugly," Liam says a little loudly. He looks over at Diana with a smile. "That must be why some of our guests are a terrible sight for the eyes."

His wife takes a slow, deliberate sip of her water to hide her smile while a few people at the table shift uncomfortably in their seats.

Before Liam can cause more tension in the room, his mother stands from her seat at the head of the table. Silence immediately descends upon the room, as if everyone's mouths had been spelled shut. She casts her gaze upon each and every noble in the room. Liam's mother avoids looking in the couple's direction.

"First, I would like to thank you all for joining me at such short notice," she begins. Her voice carries throughout the entire space, having years of training for this very purpose. "Recently, I have received news that has led me to question my ability to cast judgment.

"As you are all aware, five years ago my eldest son— your heir— was murdered. Poisoned and found sharing a cabin with a young sorceress."

Guests dart their eyes toward Diana, suddenly uncomfortable by her presence. Liam watches their faces. He notes their disgust and their disdain, certain that he is going to punish them for it later.

"I am here to inform you all today that we wrongfully imprisoned Diana Lockheart for four years," the queen continues. Quiet murmurs fill the space while the guests shift uncomfortably in their seats. "My husband admitted to poisoning the bottle of wine that Prince Andrew and Diana consumed in an attempt to kill the sorceress. My son had only been a casualty to my husband's hatred."

When she looks upon Diana, there is guilt shining in her eyes. She draws in a sharp breath through her mouth. "There are not enough words or actions to apologize for the harm that we have caused you, Diana. Nothing that I say and do now will erase the years that we stole from you."

Liam finds the apology to be lacking. Years have been taken away from Diana's life. Her reputation has been tarnished. People have tried to kill her over the false accusations that have plagued her.

"Still, I would like to bestow upon you an official absolution from the crown." There's a brief moment where the queen flicks her gaze toward Liam. It feels as though she is trying to gauge his reaction. As if she is testing to see if he approves of her actions. Whatever she sees on his face gives her the courage to continue. "And, as an award for your services to your country and the crown, I would like to formally announce your engagement to my son, Prince Liam of Ichiga."

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