Chapter Three

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The journey to the battlefield is shorter than what is comfortable, lasting only thirty minutes. The base that Liam and Diana arrive at is small and lackluster. Young teens shuffle about, carrying swords and equipment that are far too large for them.

Liam warily eyes the pair of young sorcerers that stand at the edge of the camp. There's no way that either one of them are fourteen based on their small statures and baby faces. He would not put them past the age of twelve.

No one spares either Liam or Diana a glance, likely too tired and busy to care. There's a disheartening attitude about the camp. It feels as though none of the soldiers believe that they are going to survive this battle.

They're not soldiers, Liam internally chides. They're children dragged into something that doesn't even involve them.

At his side, Diana surveys the area. "There aren't very many of them," she observes. Though her face is devoid of emotion, anger peaks through her tone.

Hopefully, that anger will drive Diana while she is pushing the enemies back. She will need all of the motivation that she can manage in order to face the sorcerer.

"Your Highness!" One of the generals exclaims. The older gentleman with graying brown hair jogs to the prince. He hastily offers Liam a bow. "Thank you for offering assistance during this dire time."

Giving the general a quick head nod, Liam studies the base. "It is my honor, General Hudson," he responds. "How far are the enemies from this location?"

General Hudson gestures toward the mass expanse of woods. "About a mile North according to our scouts. They will reach us within three hours."

In order to avoid as many casualties as possible, Diana and Liam will need to meet the enemy soldiers before they can reach the camp. If the pair set off now, they may be able to make it an hour and a half outside of camp.

"Alright," Liam states. He turns to take a quick glance at the sorceress. The hood of her black cloak is drawn over her head, covering her recognizable white hair. He can barely make out her facial features, which hopefully means that none of the people here can. "We should set out now. Before the enemies get too close."

The leaves beneath the general's feet crunch while he shifts his weight. "All do respect, Your Highness, but I do not believe it's safe for the two of you to go off on your own."

If General Hudson knew who Prince Liam was traveling with, he would likely be more worried for the prince's safety. Diana is just as powerful as she is untrustworthy. It would be unwise for anyone to forget that, including Liam.

"Do not worry, General. We will manage just fine on our own."

Beside him, Diana suddenly stiffens. Her head quickly turns toward the sun facing the east. The gold chain bracelet around her hand glistens in the light while she stretches an arm forward.

A hard breeze blows through the camp, carrying with it a soft, calming melody. The song is a melodic hum sung only by the finest singer. Liam can feel himself being put at ease while he listens to the tune.

"They're here," Diana claims. She brings her hand to her side and stands directly in his vision. "They're only ten minutes to the east."

A slight drowsiness fog's the prince's mind while he stares at the sorceress. The wind had blown back her hood, so now her hair is on full display. The sounds of blades being unsheathed reaches the prince's ears. Before he knows it, Liam is tucked behind a large group of guards who have their swords pointed at Diana.

Annoyed by the current situation, the young woman directs her gaze at the general. "We truly do not have the time for this. If you would like to save your kingdom, you must prepare yourselves for battle."

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