Chapter Thirty-Four

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There's something unsettling about the unnatural quiet that has fallen over the woods. Diana has grown used to the sounds of violence from clanging swords and gunfire. Without the cacophony of screaming men, the woods have nothing left to it. No animals. No people. Just true, perfect silence.

"It's too quiet," Diana murmurs to Liam. Her eyes dart around the woods in search of something. There aren't even any bugs flying around, having no desire to be around the area.

Liam appears almost completely at ease, his eyes focused on what's ahead of them. "Everything has been too quiet, recently," he points out.

She knows that he is referring to Andrew, who has not resurfaced since being expelled from Liam's body. They both have their own separate theories on where the prince has retreated to. Though Diana is hopeful that he has moved on since experiencing Diana's rejection, she is certain that is not the case. Andrew is more than likely hiding in the graveyard.

Diana blows out a breath, pushing her focus to the present moment. Despite the silence, there may still be enemies roaming about in these woods. The sorceress has to remain aware to ensure that they are not ambushed.

She allows her gaze to wander overhead, where Polaris is currently circling the area. He makes no sound while he soars over the treetops, staying relatively close to Diana and Liam. The dragon will alert them if he spots others in the woods. It's the only thing that gives Diana confidence that she is not overlooking an unseen threat.

"We should have made it to the battlefield by now," she points out. "Or, at the very least, a camp. We are losing. Terribly."

Were it not for Diana, this war would have been lost long ago. With the lack of trained soldiers as well as being behind in weaponry, Ichiga has been losing chunks of land every day. Even with Diana's help, they are only delaying the inevitable.

Wincing at the reminder, Liam hangs his head. "I am aware."

Diana peaks up at Polaris once more. If the dragon were a little bigger, she would be able to ride on his back. Being in the air would give more disadvantages than wandering aimlessly on the ground.

As if suddenly recognizing the peril that they are in, Liam fidgets beside her. He switches his hands from picking at each other and resting on his sword. His eyes begin to dart across the trees, searching for any threats that may make an appearance.

"We should talk about what occurred earlier," the prince suggests.

It suddenly occurs to Diana that the source of his nerves had been bringing up this conversation with him. He's nervous about her reaction to discussing his mother— who she has no interest in speaking about.

No matter what Diana does, the queen will always hate her. Though Diana cannot blame her, she can most certainly hate the queen for the poor treatment she receives. She can hate the queen for belittling her and mistreating her. She can even hate the queen for simply existing.

A conversation about Diana's disdain toward a woman who refuses to view her as a human being would not be productive. Its only use would be to start an unnecessary argument.

"There's nothing to talk about," she responds.

The prince lets out a loud scoff. "You threatened my mother."

"She disrespected me." Diana brushes her fingers along a thick trunk, feeling the energy emanating from the tree. By its calming nature, Diana can tell that it has not been a witness to anything violent in the last day or so. "I did not see you jumping up to defend me from your mother's tyranny."

Liam nearly collides with the tree in front of him while he startledly looks at Diana. "She is my mother."

Diana stops in her tracks to turn on him. A hot pit of anger forms in her stomach at his tone. He sounds appalled that she would even suggest for him to defend her. "I am your wife, Liam. That should take precedence over your mother." Her eyes dart to the tree line behind him while the winds begin to pick up. The breeze sways the trees, making the leaves brush against one another. "You will have to inform your mother of our marriage soon enough."

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