Chapter Thirteen

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There is somebody standing in the corner of Liam's bedroom. He can more so feel their presence than he can see them given how dark his bedroom currently is. Without drawing back the curtains on the far side of his room, Liam will be unable to see properly.

He remains entirely still as he watches the person in the corner, unsure of how to navigate the current situation. It would be easy for him to summon Diana into the room to take care of the problem, since their bond forces her to come to him when he calls. If it's only a figment of his imagination, however, then he may piss her off. Summoning one of the guards standing outside of his room would not be wise if it's truly a person since they have more than enough time to strike.

His mind races through all of his options while he stares at the unmoving figure in the corner.

Then, it flickers like a shadow in candlelight. It's a liquid shapeless being, moving in ways that are impossible for a human being.

The prince shoots up in his bed, reaching for the dagger he keeps tucked at the side of his mattress. Just as his fingers wrap around the hilt, a figure fully materializes at the side of his bed.

"Liam," Andrew states. His eyes are wide with deep purple bags underneath accentuating the green hue of them. "What are you doing awake at such a late hour?"

It takes several seconds for Liam's racing heart to slow. He keeps his tight grip on the knife's hilt while taking several deep breaths. Then, he slowly relinquishes the blade from his hand and puts it back into its rightful place. "What are you doing in my room?" He asks.

Andrew shakes his head. "You had left so abruptly last night and never came back that I had to look for you." There's pain in the dead man's eyes and Liam is certain that if the ghost could cry he would in this very instance. "Why did you leave me?"

There goes Liam's theory that ghosts are trapped in the graveyard. Apparently, they can show up anywhere they wish. Which means that Liam will have no escape from Andrew, who has likely had no contact with anyone in four years. "I had some matters to attend to," he states. He runs a hand through his blonde hair and sighs. "I had to make it back here to prevent Diana from being wrongly imprisoned for another murder."

"Diana." Andrew whispers the name as though it is a sacred promise. His eyes glaze over and he suddenly looks as though he is no longer in the room.

He must be trying to remember who Diana is. That would explain the vacant look in the man's eyes.

There's the sound of shouting outside of Liam's bedroom door followed by a loud knock. The knocking is hard enough where Liam can see the door physically shake even in the dark. It instantly snaps Andrew back into focus since his gaze now falls to the door. "If you don't answer that quickly, you may lose your door."

Annoyed by all the intrusions, he shoves on his black gloves. Then, storms over to the door with loud stomps. He opens it just as Diana goes to knock again. Her fist freezes a few inches away from his face, stopping abruptly as though it had been caught.

She is dressed in a golden nightgown that hangs limply around her as well as a shawl of pure white. Diana's white hair is neatly braided into long, thin braids full of hair that is of her own and hair that she had dyed. Liam still does not know how she managed to get the hair or dye it to the same shade as her hair. He does not particularly care how she had done so since he knows that no one was harmed in the process.

Her eyes dart around the room behind him, scanning the space thoroughly. "Are you alright?" She questions.

Liam scoffs at her, lowering his hand from the door. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

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