Chapter Ten

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Since his brother's death, Liam has been unable to find enjoyment from large parties. They had been the prince's only opportunity to spend time with his older brother since their routines always kept them apart.

The last time Liam had seen Andrew alive was at a ball to celebrate the birthday of one of the queen's friends. He had been happy then, acting as though it was the last ball he was ever going to experience.

Little did anyone know, he would be dead within a few hours after the end of the ball.

A blur of raven black hair passes through his peripheral vision, standing beside him against the wall. When he turns his head toward the guest, he find himself making eye contact with Diana.

Instantly, the prince is filled with anger and annoyance at the sight of the woman in a wig. "What are you doing here?" He hisses in annoyance.

Grabbing a grape from the table beside her, Diana studies the party goers. "Enjoying the party," she responds nonchalantly. "These grapes are simply marvelous. Your staff has been holding out on me."

She does not deserve to be here. Despite the aid she has provided this kingdom, Diana is lucky she is not being kept in her cell.

Rosalie stumbles past a few nobles to make it to Diana's side. Her face is flushed and her eyes are wide with panic while she looks between the prince and the sorceress. "I apologize, Your Highness. I tried to keep her inside her room, but she used her magic to slip out."

Shrugging, Diana grabs a small cheese cube. "I do not understand why I wouldn't be allowed to come. It's like an all you can eat buffet."

With a huff, the prince grabs the sorceress's arm. He forces her to face him. "You have access to food from the kitchen. You do not need to attend the ball in a wig to have food."

Something quickly flashes through the woman's eyes. It's gone before Liam can identify what he is seeing. "The servants refuse to serve me. I have to send a guard out on my behalf to get my food— even then, I am lucky to get anything." She snatches her arm from his grip to look out into the crowd. "It's a wonder how I haven't yet been poisoned."

Though Liam is surprised, he is more disappointed he didn't expect this. Of course the servants would refuse to serve Diana. Not only is she a traitor, but she also terrifies them.

He cannot allow for her to starve to death, no matter how much terror she incites. As terrible as she may be, Liam needs Diana to be healthy and strong. He needs her to regain all the strength she lost within the last four years.

Sighing dramatically, Liam grabs a wine glass off of a tray and thrusts it in Diana's direction. "Have a quick refreshment and then go back to your room. I will take care of your food arrangements."

Diana stares at the drink before her as though it is some sort of monster. "I don't drink alcohol," she claims. She grabs one of the cups of water from the table. "Besides, I would like to have some fun. It has been a while since I've been to a ball."

Irritated by her refusal to leave, Liam opens his mouth to dismiss the woman. A gentleman appears at her side, flashing a charming smile. "I apologize, Your Majesty," he greets. His dark eyes flash with what can only be smugness while he gives Liam a slight bow. "I hope I am not interrupting anything, but I was looking forward to inviting the lady to dance."

A large, smug grin grows across Diana's face. She sets her water back onto the table and grabs the man's elbow. "A dance sounds lovely," she states. The sorceress spares neither her guard nor the prince a glance as she is whisked off to the dance floor.

Liam cannot stand watching Diana be happy. He does not want to watch her laugh and dance with a gentleman as if it's nothing. As if it's normal for a murderer to do so.

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